Scala Monad对迭代器的操作

时间:2017-04-09 15:28:25

标签: scala monads transformation traits

我的Char Source Scala计划遇到了麻烦。要开发的包实现了文档源的概念。文档源类似于迭代器 但是以字符或单词形式生成其内容,以最方便的为基础 应用。与迭代器一样,单词和字符“在运行中”生成并且不存储。正确 文档源的实现应该能够

Trait CharSource:这个特性代表了我可以修改变换器混合的基本类型。它的来源 人物是抽象的。从它衍生的单词和单词,字符。  处理大型文档而不完全加载它们 在记忆中。 文档源提供两种方法: •chars:生成文档的内容作为字符的迭代器; •words:生成文档内容作为单词的迭代器。


Class IteratorDocumentSource:

此类为我们提供了RichDocumentSource类型的默认实现。它可以用来混合 在各种组合的特征和观察结果。请注意,此类实现完整(“丰富”) 文档源接口,包括monadic运算符。

package document

class IteratorDocumentSource(iterator: Iterator[Char]) extends CharSource 
with RichDocumentSource {

protected def source: Iterator[Char] = iterator

def foreach[A](f: (Char) => A): Unit = {
 val it = iterator
 for( x <- it ) yield f(x)

def map(f: (Char) => Char): IteratorDocumentSource = {
 val it = iterator
 val n  = for( x <- it ) yield f(x)

new IteratorDocumentSource(n)

def flatMap(f: (Char) => TraversableOnce[Char]): IteratorDocumentSource = 

def withFilter(f: (Char) => Boolean): IteratorDocumentSource = ???

// $Id: RichDocumentSource.scala 93 2017-03-26 18:46:10Z abcdef $

package document

/** A rich document source.
* It extends a regular document source with the so-called "monadic" 
* `foreach`, `withFilter`, `map` and `flatMap`.  Those operate at the 
''character'' level, not on
 * words.
 * @see Iterator

 trait RichDocumentSource extends DocumentSource {

 /** Applies the given function to all the characters in the document. */
 def foreach[A](f: (Char) => A): Unit

  /** A new document obtained by applying the given transformation to all 
 characters of this
 * document.
 def map(f: (Char) => Char): RichDocumentSource

 /** A new document obtained by applying the given transformation to all the 
 characters of this
 * document.
 def flatMap(f: (Char) => TraversableOnce[Char]): RichDocumentSource

 /** A new document obtained by applying the given filter to all the 
 characters of this document.
 def withFilter(f: (Char) => Boolean): RichDocumentSource

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