int count = 0; // count = 0
// character array of size 12
char input[12]; // character array of size 12
String in;
boolean flag = 0; // flag =0
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // begin serial port with baud rate 9600bps
void loop()
count = 0;
while(Serial.available() && count<12)
// Read 12 characters and store them in //input array
input[count] = Serial.read();
String input1= String(input);
int value=20;
String stringOne = String(value);
Serial.print (input1 +String("r")+ stringOne + String( ";") + String("r"));
import cc.arduino. * ;
import org.firmata. * ;
import processing.serial. * ;
import de.bezier.data.sql.mapper. * ;
import de.bezier.data.sql. * ;
MySQL dbconnection;
Serial myPort; // The serial port
String inByte = " ";
String inByte1 = " ";
String str2;
int breaker = 0;
String rfid;
int Amount;
int count;
int length;
String cutString;
String rfid12 = "";
int amount = 0;
MySQL akshay;
String UniqueID;
//Sftp sftp;
int rupeescharged;
void setup() {
// List all the available serial ports
// Open the port you are using at the rate you want:
***myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); <--- getting error on this line my serialEvent() gets disable for this port
String user = "root";
String pass = "";
String database = "akshay";
// connect to database of server "localhost"
akshay = new MySQL(this, "localhost", database, user, pass);
if (breaker == 1) {
Amountfinal(rfid12, amount);
void draw() {
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
inByte = myPort.readString();
String cutString = inByte.substring(0, 18);
String[] list = split(cutString, ';');
// print(cutString);
String input = list[0];
String[] init = split(input, 'r');
rfid = init[0];
String amt = init[1];
Amount = Integer.parseInt(amt);
String rfid1 = rfid.substring(0, 12);
Akshay(rfid1, Amount);
void Akshay(String rfid, int amount) {
String rfid_1 = rfid;
int amt = amount;
rfid_1 = rfid_1.replace("\f", "@");
rfid_1 = rfid_1.replace(".", "@");
rfid_1 = rfid_1.replace("\b", "@");
rfid_1 = rfid_1.replace("\n", "@");
rfid_1 = rfid_1.replace("\t", "@");
// println(rfid_1);
if (rfid_1.charAt(rfid_1.length() - 1) == '@') {
rfid_1 = rfid_1.substring(0, rfid_1.length() - 1);
Amountfinal(rfid_1, amt);
breaker = 1;
void Amountfinal(String rfid12, int amount) {
String rfid = rfid12;
int rupeescharged = amount;
if (akshay.connect()) {
// rfid= "123";
akshay.query("SELECT * FROM userrfid");
while (akshay.next()) {
// replace "first_name" and "last_name" with column names from your table
String s1 = akshay.getString("rfid");
int s2 = akshay.getInt("pass");
int s3 = s2 - rupeescharged;
akshay.execute("UPDATE userrfid SET pass='" + s3 + "' WHERE rfid='" + rfid + "'");