
时间:2017-04-01 02:33:37

标签: applescript nsimage nsimageview applescript-objc


on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
    set inputPath to (choose folder with prompt "Select The Input Directory" default location (path to desktop folder))
    tell application "finder"
    set imageNames to get name of files of inputPath
    end tell
    set imagesRemaining to (number of items of imageNames) as string
    my errorAlert(imagesRemaining & " photos remaining.")
    if (number of items of imageNames) = 0
    my errorAlert("There are no items in the directory.")
    set numberOfImages to number of items of imageNames
    set currentPath to inputPath & (item 1 of imageNames) as string
    set theImage to initWithContentsOfFile_(POSIX path of currentPath) of alloc() of class "NSImage" of current application
    setImage_(theImage) of imageView
    set theImage to missing value
end if
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_




    on photoOutput1_(sender)
        if output1 = ""
        set output1 to (choose folder with prompt "Select The Output Path #1" default location (path to desktop folder))
    end if
tell application "Finder"
set ProcessedPhoto to quoted form of (POSIX path of CurrentPath)
set photoNumber to photoNumber + 1
set DateAppend to do shell script "date +%m-%d_%H.%M"
set DateAppend to DateAppend & "_" & photoNumber
set OutputPath to quoted form of ((POSIX path of output1) & DateAppend & ".jpg")
    do shell script "mv -n " & ProcessedPhoto & " " & OutputPath
    on error
    my errorAlert("Unable to move the photo. Please try again.")
end try
            set imageNames to get name of files of inputPath
        end tell
set imagesRemaining to (number of items of imageNames) as string
my errorAlert(imagesRemaining & " photos remaining.")
        if (number of items of imageNames) = 0
        imageView's setImage_(missing value)
        my errorAlert("There are no more photos in the directory.")
        set numberOfImages to number of items of imageNames
        set currentPath to inputPath & (item 1 of imageNames) as string
set theImage to missing value
imageView's setImage_(theImage)
set theImage to initWithContentsOfFile_(POSIX path of currentPath) of alloc() of class "NSImage" of current application
        setImage_(theImage) of imageView
tell application "Finder"
        set OutputImageNames to number of files in folder output1
        end tell
        buttonA's setTitle_("A (" & OutputImageNames & ")")
        end if
    end photoOutput1_

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答案 0 :(得分:1)


set theImage to missing value
imageView's setImage_(theImage)
