var mySprite:DisplayObjectContainer = layerASprite.getChildByName(" layerA ")作为DisplayObjectContainer;
mySprite = mySprite.getChildByName(" layerB ")作为DisplayObjectContainer;
mySprite.getChildByName(" layerC ")。y = 200;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
public class Registry
static private var hash:Object = new Object;
static public function register(name:String, target:DisplayObject):void
hash[name] = target;
static public function access(name:String):DisplayObject
return hash[name];
// Any MovieClip, frame 1 or class constructor.
import Registry;
Registry.register("deepChild", this);
// From any other place.
import Registry;
Registry.access("deepChild").y = 200;
function offSpring(path:String):DisplayObject
var aSplit:Array = path.split(".");
var result:DisplayObject = this;
while (aSplit.length)
var aParent:DisplayObjectContainer = result as DisplayObjectContainer;
if (!aParent) return null;
result = aParent.getChildByName(aSplit.shift());
return result;
offSpring("layerA.layerB.layerC").y = 200;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
public function findChild(d:DisplayObject, n:String):DisplayObject {
var dc:DisplayObjectContainer = d as DisplayObjectContainer; if (!dc) return null;
for (var i:int = 0; i < dc.numChildren; i++){
var ch:DisplayObject = dc.getChildAt(i);
if (ch.name == n || (ch = findChild(ch, n))) return ch;
}return null;
var d:DisplayObject = findChild(stage, "childName");
* Perform parallel/sprial recursive search in this container to find child with given name.
* This means that this function will first check names of all child of this container and and then go to deeper level.
* In other words, no element will be tested on level x+1 if not all elements were tested on level x.
* This is true for all levels until whole tree is exhausted. This method is using token argument for such functionallity.
* @param n name of child element to be found.
* @param t token passed internally for sipral search. You should not specify this if you want the function to search a whole tree.
* The token has only single value which is basically a desired level at which child should be searched for.
* Level 1 means this function will only check its own childrens, level 2 means that only childs of childs of this container will be checked and so one.
* However note that if you specify a token with some level, only that single level will be searched.
* On the other hand if given token is null, this will check childs on level 1, then level 2, 3... and it will countinue until deepest level has been reached.
* @return nearest child with specified name or null if no child with given name found.
public function findChild(n:String, t:SearchToken = null, ind:String = ""):SGLElement {
ind += " ";
var r:Boolean = (t) ? false : true; //is this call root of search.
t = (t) ? t.offL( -1) : new SearchToken(0); //create new token if not given or decrement current token value.
//trace(ind + "F", this.name, ":", t);
//if (!t) t = new SearchToken(0);
var cl:SearchToken = new SearchToken(t.l); //current search level.
var exc:int = 0; //exhausted childrens.
if(t.l == 0){//search own children
for (var i:int = 0; i < _childs.length; i++) { //trace(ind + " c", _childs[i].name);
if (_childs[i].name == n) return _childs[i]; }
if (r) ++cl.l; else return null;
while( cl.l > 0){
if (exc >= _childs.length) { t.l = -1; return null;}
for (i = 0; i < _childs.length; i++) {
//trace(ind + "ch", t,":", i, _childs[i].name, _childs[i]);
if (!(_childs[i] as SGLElementContainer)) continue;
//trace(ind + "t", t, i);
t.l = cl.l;
var e:SGLElement = SGLElementContainer(_childs[i]).findChild(n, t, ind);
if (e) return e;
else if (t.l < 0) exc++;
//trace(ind + "END_LEVEL>>>>", t);
if (!r) return null;
//t.l = cl.l;
return null;
package adnss.common.utils
public class SearchToken
/**Current level**/
public var l:int;
public function SearchToken(levelValue:int) {l = levelValue;}
public function toString():String {return String(l);}
/**Set level value and return this token instance.**/
public function setL(v:int):SearchToken { l = v; return this; }
/**Add given offset value to level value and return this token instance.**/
public function offL(v:int):SearchToken { l += v; return this;}