wm title . "Feet to Meters"
grid [ttk::frame .c -padding "3 3 12 12"] -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nwes
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1; grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid [ttk::entry .c.feet -width 7 -textvariable feet] -column 2 -row 1 -sticky we
grid [ttk::label .c.meters -textvariable meters] -column 2 -row 2 -sticky we
grid [ttk::label .c.meter2s -textvariable meters2] -column 6 -row 2 -sticky we
grid [ttk::button .c.calc -text "Calculate" -command calculate] -column 3 -row 3 -sticky w
grid [ttk::entry .c.feet2 -width 7 -textvariable feet2] -column 7 -row 1 -sticky we
grid [ttk::label .c.flbl -text "feet"] -column 3 -row 1 -sticky w
grid [ttk::label .c.flbl2 -text "feet2"] -column 6 -row 1 -sticky w
grid [ttk::label .c.islbl -text "is equivalent to"] -column 1 -row 2 -sticky e
grid [ttk::label .c.mlbl -text "meters"] -column 3 -row 2 -sticky w
grid [ttk::label .c.mlbl2 -text "meters2"] -column 4 -row 2 -sticky w
foreach w [winfo children .c] {grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}
focus .c.feet
bind . <Return> {calculate}
proc calculate {} {
if {[catch {
set ::meters [expr {round($::feet*0.3048*10000.0)/10000.0}]
set ::meters2 [ feet2 ]
}]!=0} {
set ::meters ""
in this part the script fails
set ::meters2 [ feet2 ]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
proc calculate {} {
if {[catch {
set ::meters [expr {round($::feet*0.3048*10000.0)/10000.0}]
set ::meters2 $::feet2
}]!=0} {
set ::meters error
set ::meters2 error2