
时间:2017-03-30 12:08:43

标签: r data.table

有没有办法比较一行的“任何值”是否与上面一行的“任何值”相同 - 无论订单是?下面是一个非常随机的输入数据表。

DT <- data.table(A=c("a","a","b","d","e","f","h","i","j"),

> DT
   A  B  C
1: a  a  a
2: a  b  b
3: b  c  c
4: d  c  b
5: e  f  g
6: f  g  h
7: h NA NA
8: i  j NA
9: j NA NA


 > DT
   A  B  C  D
1: a  a  a  0 #No row above to compare; could be either NA or 0
2: a  b  b  1 #row 2 has "a", which is in row 1; returns 1
3: b  c  c  1 #row 3 has "b", which is in row 2; returns 1
4: d  c  b  1 #row 4 has "b" and "c", which are in row 3; returns 1
5: e  f  g  0 #row 5 has nothing that is in row 4; returns 0
6: f  g  h  1 #row 6 has "f" and "g", which are in row 5; returns 1
7: h NA NA  1 #row 7 has "h", which is in row 6; returns 1
8: i  j NA  0 #row 8 has nothing that is in row 7 (NA doesn't count)
9: j NA NA  1 #row 9 has "j", which is in row 8; returns 1 (NA doesn't count)

主要思想是我想将行(或向量)与另一行(向量)进行比较,并且如果每行(向量)中的任何元素都是相同的,则将两行定义为相同。 (不重复比较每个元素)

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



或者我们可以使用DT[, D := { v1 <- do.call(paste, .SD) v2 <- do.call(paste, c(shift(.SD, type = "lead"), sep="|")) v2N <- gsub("NA\\|*|\\|*NA", "", v2) v3 <- unlist(Map(grepl, v2N, v1), use.names = FALSE) as.integer(head(c(FALSE, v3), -1)) }] DT # A B C D #1: a a a 0 #2: a b b 1 #3: b c c 1 #4: d c b 1 #5: e f g 0 #6: f g h 1 #7: h NA NA 1 #8: i j NA 0 #9: j NA NA 1


答案 1 :(得分:3)


DT[, D:= sign(DT[, c(.SD, shift(.SD))][,
   sum(!is.na(intersect(unlist(.SD[, .(A, B, C)]), unlist(.SD[, .(V4, V5, V6)])))),

此处,[, c(.SD, shift(.SD))]创建data.frame的副本,包含滞后变量(cbinded)。然后第二个链与原始data.table中的未列出变量和移位的data.table相交。 NA被分配0并且非NA被分配1并且这些结果被求和。对复制的data.table的每一行都会执行此操作。总和使用$v1提取,并使用sign转换为二进制(0和1)。


   A  B  C D
1: a  a  a 0
2: a  b  b 1
3: b  c  c 1
4: d  c  b 1
5: e  f  g 0
6: f  g  h 1
7: h NA NA 1
8: i  j NA 0
9: j NA NA 1

答案 2 :(得分:2)


compare <- function(i) {
    row1 <- as.character(DT[i,])
    row2 <- as.character(DT[i+1,])
    return(length(intersect(row1[!is.na(row1)], row2[!is.na(row2)])) > 0)

result <- sapply(1:(nrow(DT) - 1), compare)


答案 3 :(得分:2)

以下是使用base的{​​{1}} R解决方案:


答案 4 :(得分:2)


DT[, id := 1:.N]
dt <- melt(DT, id.vars = "id")
dt[, id2 := id-1]
dt <- dt[!is.na(value)]
idx <- dt[dt, on = .(id2 = id, value), nomatch=0][, unique(id)]
DT[, `:=`(D = as.integer(id %in% idx), id = NULL)]


答案 5 :(得分:1)


DT[, result:=as.integer(c(NA, sapply(2:DT[,.N], function(i) any(na.omit(unlist(DT[i])) %in% unlist(DT[i-1])))))]
#> DT
#   A  B  C result
#1: a  a  a     NA
#2: a  b  b      1
#3: b  c  c      1
#4: d  c  b      1
#5: e  f  g      0
#6: f  g  h      1
#7: h NA NA      1
#8: i  j NA      0
#9: j NA NA      1

答案 6 :(得分:1)


#list of unique elements in each row
tableList = apply(DT,1,function(x) unique(na.omit(x)))

#a lagged list to be compared with above list
tableListLag = c(NA,tableList[2:length(tableList)-1])

#find common elements using intersect function
#if length > 0 implies common elements hence set value as 1 else 0
DT$D = mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(length(intersect(x,y))>0,1,0) ,tableList,tableListLag,
             SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

#   A  B  C D
#1: a  a  a 0
#2: a  b  b 1
#3: b  c  c 1
#4: d  c  b 1
#5: e  f  g 0
#6: f  g  h 1
#7: h NA NA 1
#8: i  j NA 0
#9: j NA NA 1