at Object.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:16:76) at Function.each (jquery.js?v=1.4.4:34) at Object.success (<anonymous>:10:13) at Function.handleSuccess (jquery.js?v=1.4.4:143) at XMLHttpRequest.w.onreadystatechange (jquery.js?v=1.4.4:142)
(function($) {
url: "/node.json",
data: {'type': "resource_page", 'page': 3},
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
success: function (response) {
$.each(response.list, function(k, resource) {
var title = resource.title;
var description = resource.body.value;
if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >= 0) { console.log(description.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology")); };
//if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >= 0 || description.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >=0) { console.log(title); };
if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >= 0) { console.log(description.toLowerCase()); };
仍然可以获得<p>this video database is designed to teach laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. this collection demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology. to enhance your understanding of the methods each video is paired with additional video resources to show practical applications of the techniques and other complementary skills.</p>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你得到错误的原因是你有&#34; title&#34;或描述等于undefined。以下示例引发了同样的异常错误:
var title;
var description = '<p>this video database is designed to teach laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. this collection demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology. to enhance your understanding of the methods each video is paired with additional video resources to show practical applications of the techniques and other complementary skills.</p>';
if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >= 0 || description.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >=0) {
var title;
var description = '<p>this video database is designed to teach laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. this collection demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology. to enhance your understanding of the methods each video is paired with additional video resources to show practical applications of the techniques and other complementary skills.</p>';
if((title && title.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >= 0) || (description && description.toLowerCase().indexOf("biology") >=0)) {
console.log('It works fine');