我买了一个RASPI UPS HAT。用于监控覆盆子中的电池电压。我在树莓里有11个IOT。我找不到任何可以实现这一目标的方法。如果我不能使用python脚本,也许有人知道如何在C#中重写它。以下是此UPS HAT的示例脚本。
import struct
import smbus
import sys
def readVoltage(bus):
"This function returns as float the voltage from the Raspi UPS Hat via the provided SMBus object"
address = 0x36
read = bus.read_word_data(address, 2)
swapped = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">H", read))[0]
voltage = swapped * 78.125 /1000000
return voltage
def readCapacity(bus):
"This function returns as a float the remaining capacity of the battery connected to the Raspi UPS Hat via the provided SMBus object"
address = 0x36
read = bus.read_word_data(address, 4)
swapped = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">H", read))[0]
capacity = swapped/256
return capacity
bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # 0 = /dev/i2c-0 (port I2C0), 1 = /dev/i2c-1 (port I2C1)
print ("Voltage:%5.2fV" % readVoltage(bus))
print ("Battery:%5i%%" % readCapacity(bus))
# draw battery
n = int(round(readCapacity(bus) / 10));
print ("----------- ")
for i in range(0,n):
for i in range(0,10-n):
sys.stdout.write(' ')
print ("----------- ")
if readCapacity(bus) == 100:
print ("Battery FULL")
if readCapacity(bus) < 20:
print ("Battery LOW")