The Simpsons
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - At the Plant
Homer Simpson - At Duffs Bar
Homer Simpson - On a Date with Marge
Bart Simpson
Bart Simpson - Bart Writing on the Chalkboard
Bart Simpson - Playing with Millhouse
Bart Simpson - Earns Money for Camp Krusty
Bart Simpson - Sings with Lisa
The Simpsons
Homer Simpson
At the Plant
At Duffs Bar
On a Date with Marge
Bart Simpson
Bart Writing on the Chalkboard
Playing with Millhouse
Earns Money for Camp Krusty
Sings with Lisa
<artist name><space><dash><space>
来自&#34; base&#34;每个人下面的每个子文件夹。所有这些都是从今天Windows文件资源管理器中的几千个文件夹中手动完成的,并尝试研究/尝试不同的批处理文件,以便以编程方式重命名。我有成千上万的人,所以我想我会寻求帮助。
我有十几种我认为的事情。应该工作,但他们不会。 我开始列出我试过的代码,但我认为这会更简洁:
for recursive directories tokens=3 delims=dash %%<some variable> in (*. ) do rename <filename element 1><space><dash><space><filename element 2> with <filename element2>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Enter to "heading" folder
cd "The Simspons"
rem Process all "person" folders here
for /D %%a in (*) do (
rem Enter to this "person" folder
cd "%%a"
rem Rename all folders here, as requested
for /F "delims=" %%b in ('dir /B /A:D') do (
set "folder=%%b"
rem For new name: remove all characters from beginning until " - "
ren "%%b" "!folder:* - =!"
rem Go back to the "heading" folder
cd ..
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您将需要使用ren "%%b" "!folder:* - =!"
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Use the following line so you can run this batch file directly from the main dir, I.E.
rem "The Simpsons"
pushd %~dp0
rem Process all "person" folders here
for /D %%a in (*) do (
rem Set a new variable for the recursive directory searches
set ndir=%%a
rem Set a variable to make referencing the future directories easier as well as
rem entering this "person" folder (you may need to place a "\" between %~dp0 and %ndir%)
rem As I mention below -- may need a subroutine for this as well.
set fdir=%~dp0%ndir%
cd "%fdir%"
rem Rename all folders here, as requested
for /F "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%b in (`dir /B /AD`) do (
rem For making the New Directory Name, we will need to set %%b to a new
rem variable and then call out a 'subroutine' from within the for loop.
set fnm=%%b
call :Moverino
rem Failing to call out to a 'subroutine' will kill the variables in my experience.
rem Adding an echo here proves your fnm variable took the filename - not required
echo %fnm%
rem Here you are substituting every character before the ' - ' to equal "nothing"
set fnm1=%fnm:* - =%
rem Adding another echo here to echo the new fnm1 variable - this will prove whether the
rem edit works in strings at all, regardless if it is file vs directory.
echo %fnm1%
rem This timeout was just to check to make sure things worked in debugging
rem The code moves so fast, it's easy to miss what's happening.
REM timeout /t 1
rem Here is the sweet-sauce. "Ren" or "Rename" will not rename directories, however,
rem Moving directories from one to another as a different name will change the name!
Move "%~dp0%fnm%" "%~dp0%fnm1%"
我还没有验证:* - =%