
时间:2017-03-24 04:21:15

标签: java stack


public class GameModel implements Cloneable { 

 * predefined values to capture the color of a DotInfo
public static final int COLOR_0           = 0;
public static final int COLOR_1           = 1;
public static final int COLOR_2           = 2;
public static final int COLOR_3           = 3;
public static final int COLOR_4           = 4;
public static final int COLOR_5           = 5;
public static final int NUMBER_OF_COLORS  = 6;

 * The current selection color
private int currentSelectedColor;

 * The size of the game.
private  int sizeOfGame;

 * A 2 dimentionnal array of sizeOfGame*sizeOfGame recording the state of each dot
private DotInfo[][] model;

 * The number of steps played since the last reset
private int numberOfSteps;

 * The number of captered dots
private int numberCaptured;

 * Random generator
private Random generator;

 * Constructor to initialize the model to a given size of board.
 * @param size
 *            the size of the board
public GameModel(int size) {
    generator = new Random();
    sizeOfGame = size;

 * Resets the model to (re)start a game. The previous game (if there is one)
 * is cleared up . 
public void reset(){

    model = new DotInfo[sizeOfGame][sizeOfGame];

    for(int i = 0; i < sizeOfGame; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < sizeOfGame; j++){
            model[i][j] = new DotInfo(i,j,generator.nextInt(NUMBER_OF_COLORS));

    numberOfSteps =0;

 * Getter method for the size of the game
 * @return the value of the attribute sizeOfGame
public int getSize(){
    return sizeOfGame;

 * returns the color  of a given dot in the game
 * @param i
 *            the x coordinate of the dot
 * @param j
 *            the y coordinate of the dot
 * @return the status of the dot at location (i,j)
public int getColor(int i, int j){
    return isCaptured(i, j) ? currentSelectedColor : model[i][j].getColor();

 * returns true is the dot is captured, false otherwise
 * @param i
 *            the x coordinate of the dot
 * @param j
 *            the y coordinate of the dot
 * @return the status of the dot at location (i,j)
public boolean isCaptured(int i, int j){
    return model[i][j].isCaptured();

 * Sets the status of the dot at coordinate (i,j) to captured
 * @param i
 *            the x coordinate of the dot
 * @param j
 *            the y coordinate of the dot
public void capture(int i, int j){

 * Getter method for the current number of steps
 * @return the current number of steps
public int getNumberOfSteps(){
    return numberOfSteps;

 * Setter method for currentSelectedColor
 * @param val
 *            the new value for currentSelectedColor
public void setCurrentSelectedColor(int val) {
    currentSelectedColor = val;

 * Getter method for currentSelectedColor
 * @return currentSelectedColor
public int getCurrentSelectedColor() {
    return currentSelectedColor ;

 * Getter method for the model's dotInfo reference
 * at location (i,j)
  * @param i
 *            the x coordinate of the dot
 * @param j
 *            the y coordinate of the dot
 * @return model[i][j]
public DotInfo get(int i, int j) {
    return model[i][j];

 * The metod <b>step</b> updates the number of steps. It must be called 
 * once the model has been updated after the payer selected a new color.
 public void step(){

 * The metod <b>isFinished</b> returns true iff the game is finished, that
 * is, all the dats are captured.
 * @return true if the game is finished, false otherwise
public boolean isFinished(){
    return numberCaptured == sizeOfGame*sizeOfGame;

public GameModel clone(){

    try {
        return (GameModel)super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        return null;

 * Builds a String representation of the model
 * @return String representation of the model
public String toString(){
    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
    for(int i = 0; i < sizeOfGame; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < sizeOfGame; j++){
            b.append(getColor(i, j) + " ");
    return b.toString();


我正在尝试克隆模型,以便控制器可以在其actionPerformed undo方法中使用该函数。

public class GameController implements ActionListener{

 * Reference to the view of the board
private GameView gameView;
 * Reference to the model of the game
private GameModel gameModel;

private GameModel oldMove;

private int size;

private int i;

private int j;

private Stack<DotInfo> stack;

private boolean setting1;

private boolean setting2;

Stack<GameModel> steps;

 * Constructor used for initializing the controller. It creates the game's view 
 * and the game's model instances
 * @param size
 *            the size of the board on which the game will be played
public GameController(int size) {
    gameModel = new GameModel(size);
    gameView = new GameView(gameModel, this);

 * resets the game
public void reset(){
    steps= new GenericLinkedStack<GameModel>();
    setting1 = false;
    setting2 = false;

 * Callback used when the user clicks a button (reset or quit)
 * @param e
 *            the ActionEvent

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getSource() instanceof DotButton) {
            int row = ((DotButton)(e.getSource())).getRow();
            int column = ((DotButton)(e.getSource())).getColumn();
    } else if (e.getSource() instanceof JButton) {
        JButton clicked = (JButton)(e.getSource());

        if (clicked.getText().equals("Quit")) {
         } else if (clicked.getText().equals("Reset")){
         } else if (clicked.getText().equals("Redo")) {

        } else if (clicked.getText().equals("Undo")) {
        } else if (clicked.getText().equals("Settings")) {
    } else if (e.getSource() instanceof JRadioButton) {
        JRadioButton clickedR = (JRadioButton)(e.getSource());
        if (clickedR.getText().equals("Torus")) {
            setting1 = true;
        if (clickedR.getText().equals("Diagonal")) {
            setting2 = true;

 * <b>selectColor</b> is the method called when the user selects a new color.
 * If that color is not the currently selected one, then it applies the logic
 * of the game to capture possible locations. It then checks if the game
 * is finished, and if so, congratulates the player, showing the number of
 * moves, and gives to options: start a new game, or exit
 * @param color
 *            the newly selected color
public void selectColor(int color){
    if(color != gameModel.getCurrentSelectedColor()) {

 * <b>flood</b> is the method that computes which new dots should be ``captured'' 
 * when a new color has been selected. The Model is updated accordingly
 private void flood() {
    size = gameModel.getSize()-1;
    stack = new GenericLinkedStack<DotInfo>();
    for(int i =0; i < gameModel.getSize(); i++) {
       for(int j =0; j < gameModel.getSize(); j++) {
            if(gameModel.isCaptured(i,j)) {
    DotInfo dotInfo;
        dotInfo = stack.pop();
        i = dotInfo.getX();
        j = dotInfo.getY();
        if (setting1 == true) {
        if (setting2 == true) {

 * <b>shouldBeCaptured</b> is a helper method that decides if the dot
 * located at position (i,j), which is next to a captured dot, should
 * itself be captured
 * @param i
 *            row of the dot
 * @param j
 *            column of the dot

 private boolean shouldBeCaptured(int x, int y) {
    return (!gameModel.isCaptured(x, y) && (gameModel.getColor(x,y) == gameModel.getCurrentSelectedColor())) ? true : false;

private void captureAndStack(int x, int y) {
    gameModel.capture(x, y);

private void finished() {
    if(gameModel.isFinished()) {
        if (gameView.finishedMenu() == 0) {
        } else {



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