为什么Alpha / Beta修剪对我的MiniMax算法没有影响?

时间:2017-03-23 23:00:33

标签: java algorithm minimax alpha-beta-pruning

首先我很抱歉略有不正确的标题,我只是不想让它长30个字。 当我将它应用到我的TicTacToe游戏时,我实施的alpha / beta修剪大大减少了评估量,请在下面自己查看。


Pruning vs no pruning

当我想要对我一直在研究的神经网络的跳棋实施修剪时,问题出现了。这是整个事情的目标,我刚刚开始使用TicTacToe游戏来试验MiniMax + Alpha / Beta,因为我之前从未处理过这些算法。


checkers minimax evals checkers minimax with pruning evals






Board 是跟踪碎片,可用移动的对象,   如果游戏已赢得/抽出等等,那就转过来了......


移动是包含与移动相关的所有信息的对象   克隆作为方法的第一行我只是简单地克隆了   给定的板和构造函数将给定的移动应用于它。

private double miniMax(Board b, Move m, int depth) {

private double alphaBeta(Board b, Move m, int depth, double alpha, double beta) {


Testboard clone = new Testboard(b, m);
    // Making a clone of the board in order to
    // avoid making changes to the original one

    if (clone.isGameOver()) {

        if (clone.getLoser() == null) 
            // It's a draw, evaluation = 0
            return 0;   

        if (clone.getLoser() == Color.BLACK)
            // White (Max) won, evaluation = 1
            return 1;

        // Black (Min) won, evaluation = -1
        return -1;  

    if (depth == 0) 
        // Reached the end of the search, returning current Evaluation of the board
        return getEvaluation(clone);


    // If it's not game over
    if (clone.getTurn() == Color.WHITE) {

        // It's white's turn (Maxing player)
        double max = -1;
        for (Move move : clone.getMoves()) {
            // For each children node (available moves)
            // Their minimax value is calculated
            double score = miniMax(clone, move, depth-1);
            // Only the highest score is stored
            if (score > max)
                max = score;
        // And is returned
        return max;

    // It's black's turn (Min player)
    double min = 1;
    for (Move move : clone.getMoves()) {
        // For each children node (available moves)
        // Their minimax value is calculated
        double score = miniMax(clone, move, depth-1);
        // Only the lowest score is stored
        if (score < min)
            min = score;
    // And is returned
    return min;

具有Alpha / Beta修剪延续的MiniMax:

    // If it's not game over
    if (clone.getTurn() == Color.WHITE) {

        // It's white's turn (Maxing player)
        for (Move move : clone.getMoves()) {

            // For each children node (available moves)
            // Their minimax value is calculated                
            double score = alphaBeta(clone, move, depth-1, alpha, beta);

            if (score > alpha)
                // If this score is greater than alpha
                // It is assigned to alpha as the new highest score
                alpha = score;
            if (alpha >= beta)
                // The cycle is interrupted early if the value of alpha equals or is greater than beta
        // The alpha value is returned
        return alpha;

    // It's black's turn (Min player)
    for (Move move : clone.getMoves()) {

        // For each children node (available moves)
        // Their minimax value is calculated            
        double score = alphaBeta(clone, move, depth-1, alpha, beta);

        if (score < beta)
            // If this score is lower than beta
            // It is assigned to beta as the new lowest score
            beta = score;
        if (alpha >= beta)
            // The cycle is interrupted early if the value of alpha equals or is greater than beta
    // The beta value is returned
    return beta;

老实说我坚持了,我不知道我能做些什么来试图弄清楚发生了什么。我已经在几个不同的甚至是随机生成的神经网络上尝试过MiniMax + A / B,但是在评估数量方面我从未见过改进。我希望有人能够对这种情况有所了解,谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



我使用的是一个仍未训练的神经网络,基本上只是吐出随机值,这迫使MiniMax + A / B通过所有节点,因为没有与答案的一致性,结果证明是必要的修剪发生。