C# - 公共字符串仅存储集合外的最后一个值

时间:2017-03-23 18:21:44

标签: c# html-agility-pack


到目前为止,我的工作是: 应用程序仅使用项目名称查找项目,并使用该名称返回网站上的最后一项内容。有多个产品具有相同的名称,但每个产品都有不同的颜色。



HtmlNodeCollection collection = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[contains(@class,'inner-article')]//h1//a");
HtmlNodeCollection collection2 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[contains(@class,'inner-article')]//p//a");

foreach (var node2 in collection2)
string coloursv = node2.InnerHtml.ToString();
strColour = coloursv;

//txtLog.Text += Environment.NewLine + (DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")) + str; - This code returns all colours (If code is ran outside of collection then only last colour in string is returned.


foreach (var node in collection)
string href = node.Attributes["href"].Value;
var itemname = node.InnerHtml.ToString();

if (itemname.Contains(txtKeyword.Text))
txtLog.Text = (DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")) + " - Item Found: " + href + " " + itemname + " " + strColour; //Successfully returns item name, colour and link but always gives last availible on website

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foreach (var node in collection)
    // Omitted for brevity

    // This will continually overwrite the contents of your Text property
    txtLog.Text = ...;


foreach (var node in collection)
    // Omitted for brevity
    var stringToAdd = ...;
    txtLog.Text += stringToAdd + Environment.NewLine;


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var node in collection)
    // Omitted for brevity
    var stringToAdd = ...;
    // Append this item to the results

// Store the results
txtLog.Text = sb.ToString();