folders = [{
"NAME": " Folder 1",
"ID": "869276"
}, {
"ID": "869277",
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 1"
}, {
"ID": "869279",
"NAME": "-- Sub-sub-folder 1"
}, {
"NAME": "--- Sub-sub-folder 1 2",
"ID": "869285"
}, {
"NAME": "--- Sub-sub-folder 1 3",
"ID": "869286"
}, {
"NAME": "-- Sub-sub-folder 2",
"ID": "869280"
}, {
"ID": "869281",
"NAME": " Folder 2"
}, {
"ID": "869282",
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 2"
}, {
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 2 1",
"ID": "869283"
}, {
"NAME": "-- Sub-Sub-folder 2 1",
"ID": "869284"
Folder 1
- Sub-folder 1
-- Sub-sub-folder 1
--- Sub-sub-folder 1 2
--- Sub-sub-folder 1 3
-- Sub-sub-folder 2
Folder 2
- Sub-folder 2
- Sub-folder 2 1
-- Sub-Sub-folder 2 1
"NAME": " Folder 1",
"ID": "869276",
"PARENT": "0"
}, {
"ID": "869277",
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 1",
"PARENT": "869276"
所以我想的是计算' - '在文件夹名称之前跟踪文件夹深度:
for folder in folders:
# Folders in root have a whitespace before the name
depth = folder['NAME'].split(' ')[0].count('-')
if depth == 0:
parent = '0'
#for each previous_folder:
previous_depth = previous_folder['NAME'].split(' ')[0].count('-')
if previous_depth < depth:
parent = prvious_folder['ID']
#keep looking...
答案 0 :(得分:1)
| created_at| screen_name| text|retweet_count|favorite_count|in_reply_to_status_id|in_reply_to_user_id|in_reply_to_screen_name|user_mentions| hashtags|
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|2017-03-13 23:00:...| usxtron|and when the syst...| 0| 0| null| null| null| []| [cloud]|
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|2017-03-13 23:00:...| careers_tech|SummitSync - Juni...| 0| 0| null| null| null| []|[junior, cloud, e...|
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|2017-03-13 23:00:...| PRFT_Oracle|[On-Demand Webina...| 0| 0| null| null| null| []| [cloud]|
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|2017-03-13 23:00:...| forgeaheadio|5 essentials for ...| 0| 0| null| null| null| []|[hybrid, cloud, h...|
only showing top 20 rows
folders = [{
"NAME": " Folder 1",
"ID": "869276"
}, {
"ID": "869277",
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 1"
}, {
"ID": "869279",
"NAME": "-- Sub-sub-folder 1"
}, {
"NAME": "--- Sub-sub-folder 1 2",
"ID": "869285"
}, {
"NAME": "--- Sub-sub-folder 1 3",
"ID": "869286"
}, {
"NAME": "-- Sub-sub-folder 2",
"ID": "869280"
}, {
"ID": "869281",
"NAME": " Folder 2"
}, {
"ID": "869282",
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 2"
}, {
"NAME": "- Sub-folder 2 1",
"ID": "869283"
}, {
"NAME": "-- Sub-Sub-folder 2 1",
"ID": "869284"
# id to folder index (with virtual root) for printing
folders_by_id = {folder['ID']:folder for folder in folders}
folders_by_id['<root>'] = {'NAME':'<root>', 'ID':-1}
# current ancestors stack
parents = ['<root>']
for folder in folders:
depth = folder['NAME'].split(' ')[0].count('-') + 1 # w/ virtual root
print('state', 'parents', [folders_by_id[_id] for _id in parents], 'name', folder['NAME'], 'depth', depth)
while depth < len(parents):
old = parents.pop()
print('removing', old)
folder['PARENT'] = parents[-1]
print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ showing parents +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
for folder in folders:
parent = folders_by_id[folder['PARENT']]
print('{padding}{parent} ({p_id}) --> {child} ({c_id})'.format(
padding=' ' * parent['NAME'].count('-'), parent=parent['NAME'],
p_id= parent['ID'], child=folder['NAME'], c_id=folder['ID']))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
new_a = list()
names_list = list()
for el in a:
if el['name'] not in names_list:
for new_el in new_a:
if el['name'] == new_el['name']:
new_el['id'] += el['id']