我必须将一些文字叠加到文字上。 itextsharp可以这样做吗?我创建了一个不必更改格式的表单,还包含一个变量。像这样
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct sentry sentry;
struct stud{
string name;
char grade;
struct slist {
int length;
sentry *first;
sentry *last;
struct sentry {
slist *list;
sentry *next;
sentry *prev;
stud *student;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
slist list;
sentry *n;
n = new sentry;
// Full initialization of the header node.
list.first = n;
list.last = n;
list.length = 0;
n->prev = NULL;
n->next = NULL;
n->list = list->last;
n->student->name = "test";
n->student->grade = 'A';
cout << n->student->name << '\n';
cout << n->student->grade << '\n';
return 0;