我需要通过仅使用长和纬来计算从位置A到位置B的行驶距离。 Ggmaps并不好,因为他们在2500次搜索后阻止了他们的服务,我需要70 000次计算。我尝试使用Bing地图,获得了API密钥,但我在R studio中的代码似乎并不合适。所以我有:
任何帮助将不胜感激。康斯坦丁 这是代码:
DF <- read.csv("clipboard", header=T, sep ="\t", quote = "", row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Plant.name <- DF[ ,1]
Plant.City <- DF[ ,2]
Postal.code <- DF[ ,3]
Country.plant <- DF[ ,4]
Plant.lat <- DF[ ,5]
Plant.long <- DF[ ,6]
NU <- DF[ , 7]
TS.level.2.code <- DF[ ,8]
NUTS.level.2.city <- DF[ ,9]
NUTS.level.2.label <- DF[ ,10]
NUTS.level.2.country <- DF[ ,11]
Tzone.moonshine <- DF[ ,12]
Tr..AP <- DF[ ,13]
Tr.zn.AP2 <- DF[ ,14]
Zip.Code.Nuts <- DF[ ,15]
Longitude <- DF[ ,16]
Latitude<- DF[ ,17]
Code <- DF[ ,18]
# create distance matrix
mat <- distm(DF[,c('Plant.lat','Plant.Long')], DF[,c('longitude','latitude')], fun=distVincentyEllipsoid) # that didnt work out
georoute( c("50.666 13.795",
"47.50827271, 16.48046829"),
verbose=TRUE, returntype="time",
service="bing" ) # but I would like to have it in driving distance
getDist(from="1 Infinity Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", to="1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043",modus="driving",get="distance")# I also tried to make a loop, but didnt work out