我希望图像调整大小以垂直填充列(无需水平填充),并获得相同的宽度。 (对于"列"看起来)
我发现了一个jquery插件解决方案,可以横向执行此操作:jpictura。 它需要3张图片,并以相同的高度显示它们,以准确填充行。
让我们设想一个高度为1000像素,最大宽度为800像素的容器。 并在其上显示3个图像: img1:800px * 1600px img2:300px * 800px, img3:1800px * 1600px
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我想这个功能可以优化,我不是jquery的专家...... 无论如何,它为我做的工作:拍摄所有图像,给它们相同的宽度,并使它们适合列的总高度。 精度:在我的情况下,我用它在PDF上显示精美的照片,所以我得到了与我的A4 pdf内容相对应的固定宽度和高度值。 它适用于您尝试显示的任意数量的图像。
function setImagesToFillAColumn() {
var maxWidth = 735;
var totalHeight = 0;
var availableHeight = 980;
//set all images to this max width and calculate total height
$('.pdf-a-column-images-container > img').each(function(){
var width = $(this).width(); // Current image width
var height = $(this).height(); // Current image height
var ratio = height / width;
var newHeight = maxWidth * ratio;
$(this).removeAttr("width").removeAttr("height"); // Remove HTML attributes
$(this).css("height", newHeight+'px').css("width", maxWidth+'px'); // change css attributes
totalHeight = totalHeight + newHeight;
//calculate the reduction purcentage neddded for all the images fit to the row
var purcentageReduction = availableHeight / totalHeight;
if (purcentageReduction < 1) {
//reduce to this purcentage for all image size
$('.pdf-a-column-images-container > img').each(function(){
var finalHeight = $(this).height() * purcentageReduction;
var finalWidth = $(this).width() * purcentageReduction;
$(this).css("height", finalHeight+'px').css("width", finalWidth+'px'); // change css attributes
<div class="pdf-a-column-images-container">
<img src="urltoimg1" />
<img src="urltoimg2" />
<img src="urltoimg3" />
<img src="urltoimg4" />
对于另一种用途,我做了相同的功能,但是将图像放在一行(水平)而不是列上。 它显示我在一行中提供的图像,具有相同的高度,占据该行的100%。
function setImagesToFillARow() {
var maxHeight = null;
var totalWidth = 0;
var availableWidth = 735;
//get the less high image height
$('.pdf-a-row-images-container > img').each(function(){
if (maxHeight === null || $(this).height() < maxHeight ) {
maxHeight = $(this).height();
//set all images to this height and calculate total width
$('.pdf-a-row-images-container > img').each(function(){
var width = $(this).width(); // Current image width
var height = $(this).height(); // Current image height
var ratio = height / width;
var newWidth = maxHeight / ratio;
$(this).removeAttr("width").removeAttr("height"); // Remove HTML attributes
$(this).css("width", newWidth+'px').css("height", maxHeight+'px'); // change css attributes
totalWidth = totalWidth + newWidth;
//calculate the reduction purcentage neddded for all the images fit to the row
var purcentageReduction = availableWidth / totalWidth;
var finalHeight = maxHeight * purcentageReduction;
//set images container to the new height
$('.pdf-a-row-images-container').css('height', finalHeight+'px');
//reduce to this purcentage all image size
$('.pdf-a-row-images-container > img').each(function(){
var finalWidth = $(this).width() * purcentageReduction;
$(this).css("width", finalWidth+'px').css("height", finalHeight+'px'); // change css attributes
<div class="pdf-a-row-images-container">
<img src="urltoimg1" />
<img src="urltoimg2" />
<img src="urltoimg3" />
<img src="urltoimg4" />
.pdf-a-row-images-container {
white-space: nowrap;
line-height: 0;
font-size: 3px;
.pdf-a-column-images-container {
white-space: nowrap;
line-height: 1px;
padding-top: 25px;
.pdf-a-column-images-container img {
display: block;
margin: 1px auto;
padding: 0;