
时间:2017-03-17 04:50:18

标签: jquery jquery-select2


但坚持获得for row in tables append to html <tr><td>data</td><td>moredata</td></tr> insert html into <table></table> html属性。


我按照此解决方案How to get data attribute of <select> for use in select2 from inside .select2() ajax call?和此处但仍然没有运气。

我的<select name="category" id="category-select" data-ajax--search="slug" class="select2 form-control m-b-2" multiple> </select> // SCRIPT const opts = { ajax: { url: "/menus/search", delay: 250, data: function (param) { return {q: param.term, page:, category: $(this.element).data('search')}; }, processResults: ({data, total_count}, {page}) => { page = page || 1; return { results: data, pagination: { more: (page * 30) < total_count } }; }, cache: true }, scapeMarkup: markup => markup, templateResult: formatRepo, templateSelection: formatRepoSelection }; $('.select2').select2(opts); 始终data-ajax--search


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尝试使用 $(this).data('ajax-Search')而不是$(this.element).data('search')