我试图在WebGL / GLSL中实现Harris角点检测器(较大的CV算法的第一部分)。据我所知,我的高斯和索贝尔算子按预期工作(即它是模糊的,索贝尔给出了我图像强度的导数)。
我遇到的问题是Harris角点探测器对角线边缘的响应太高 - 根据探测器,任何对角线边缘都是角落。当然,这是不正确的,但我不确定为什么。无论我如何调整响应公式,它似乎都有这个问题。
precision mediump float;
// the texture I am trying to detect the corners in
// (fed from a live video source)
uniform sampler2D sampler2d;
// the Gaussian / Sobel kernels are precalculated and passed as textures
uniform sampler2D gaussian_x;
uniform sampler2D gaussian_y;
// stdev for the Gaussian
#define sigma (3.0)
#define sigma_ceil (3.0)
// pixel_w and pixel_h represent the size of pixels in tex coords
#define pixel_w (1.0 / 960.0)
#define pixel_h (1.0 / 540.0)
const float offset_start = -(sigma_ceil * 3.0);
const float offset_end = ((sigma_ceil * 3.0) + .5);
const float pixel_gauss = 1.0 / (sigma_ceil * 2.0 + 1.0);
varying vec4 fPosition;
varying vec2 fTexCoord;
void main(){
vec2 texCoord = vec2(fTexCoord.s, fTexCoord.t);
vec3 total_x = vec3(0, 0, 0);
vec3 total_y = vec3(0, 0, 0);
for (float x = offset_start; x < offset_end; x += 1.0){
for (float y = offset_start; y < offset_end; y += 1.0){
total_x += texture2D(sampler2d, vec2(texCoord.s + x * pixel_w, texCoord.y + y * pixel_h)).rgb
* ((texture2D(gaussian_x, vec2((x - offset_start) * pixel_gauss, (y - offset_start) * pixel_gauss)).rgb
- vec3(0.5)) * .1)
* 255.0
total_y += texture2D(sampler2d, vec2(texCoord.s + x * pixel_w, texCoord.y + y * pixel_h)).rgb
* ((texture2D(gaussian_y, vec2((x - offset_start) * pixel_gauss, (y - offset_start) * pixel_gauss)).rgb
- vec3(0.5)) * .1)
* 255.0
float total_xf = (total_x.r + total_x.g + total_x.b) / 3.0;
float total_yf = (total_y.r + total_y.g + total_y.b) / 3.0;
float a = (total_xf * total_xf); // Ix2
float b = (total_yf * total_yf); // Iy2
float c = (total_xf * total_yf); // Ixy
float det = (a * b) - c;
float trc = a + b;
float res = det - 0.04 * (trc * trc);
res += .5; // to see when it goes negative
gl_FragColor = vec4(res, res, res, 1);
这些是预先计算的,是我从每个像素中减去.5的原因(因为灰色像素实际上代表0重量)。 .1和255因素使我可以看到图像,我尝试了许多不同的值,但我认为它们不是问题。
我也尝试使用res = det / trc