
时间:2017-03-14 22:21:33

标签: c# xna

我正在创建一个游戏,需要一些帮助处理一堆物体,比如大约10000,在我的游戏中我生成随机数量的岩石,在1mil到1mil地图周围的随机位置,我正在添加对象一个列表,并更新和绘制它们,但它运行得如此之慢。我认为这方面的一些帮助确实可以帮助很多想要处理许多对象的学习者。  这是我的代码:

public void WorldGeneration()
        //Random Compatibility
        Random rdm = new Random();

        //Tile Variables
        int tileType;
        int tileCount = 0;
        Rock nearestRock;

        //Initialize Coordinates
        Vector2 tileSize = new Vector2(48f, 48f);
        Vector2 currentGenVector = new Vector2(48f, 48f);
        int worldTiles = 1000000;

        //Do tile generation
        for(int tile = 1; tile <= worldTiles; tile += 1)
            //Generate Classes
            tileType = rdm.Next(0, 42);
            if (tileType == 1)
                if (rocks.Count != 0)
                    //Check Rock Distance
                    nearestRock = rocks.FirstOrDefault(x => Vector2.Distance(x.Location, currentGenVector) < 128);
                    if (nearestRock == null)
                        Rock rock = new Rock(rockSprite, currentGenVector);
                if (rocks.Count == 0)
                    Rock rock = new Rock(rockSprite, currentGenVector);

            //Move Generation Tile
            if (tileCount == worldTiles / 1000)
                currentGenVector.X = tileSize.X;
                currentGenVector.Y += tileSize.Y;
                tileCount = 0;
                currentGenVector.X += tileSize.X;
            //Keep Count of Tiles per layer.
            tileCount += 1;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

namespace Game2
    class Rock
        //Draw Support
        Texture2D sprite;
        Rectangle drawRectangle;

    Vector2 location;
    bool updating = false;

    bool active = true;

    public Rock(Texture2D sprite, Vector2 location)
        //Initialize Location/Drawing
        this.sprite = sprite;
        this.location = location;

        drawRectangle.Width = sprite.Width;
        drawRectangle.Height = sprite.Height;

        drawRectangle.X = (int)location.X - sprite.Width / 2;
        drawRectangle.Y = (int)location.Y - sprite.Height / 2;

    public void Update(GameTime gameTime, MouseState mouse)
        if (drawRectangle.Contains(mouse.X, mouse.Y))
            if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                location.X = -800;
                location.Y = -800;
        drawRectangle.X = (int)location.X;
        drawRectangle.Y = (int)location.Y;

    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        //Draws The Sprite
        spriteBatch.Draw(sprite, drawRectangle, Color.White);

    //Get Location
    public Vector2 Location
        get { return location; }
    public bool Updating
        get { return updating; }
    public void setUpdating(bool updating)
        this.updating = updating;
    public Rectangle DrawRectangle
        get { return drawRectangle; }

我只想问一些关于如何处理所有这些对象的技巧, 请帮助表示赞赏

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


//Distance checking code
public float GetDistance(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2){
    float d = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs((v1.X * v1.X) - (v2.X * v2.X)) 
    + Math.Abs((v1.Y * v1.Y) - (v2.Y * v2.Y)));
return d;

//example of using the Distance Check
if(GetDistance(player.position, rock.position) < 1280){
