从两个单独的firebase数据库加载两个到tableview swift

时间:2017-03-11 01:44:18

标签: ios swift uitableview firebase swift3

我正在构建一个非常简单的应用程序,人们点击按钮,它会记录他们使用firebase数据库点击按钮(签入)的时间。我没有问题存储签到的人的数据,然后显示签到所有适当信息的人的数据。我已经包含了一张图片来显示我已经在TableViewController中显示的内容。 This is what my TableView shows right now



How my database is setup to store all users


Entire database


 import Firebase

struct checkInStruct {

let userName : String!
let hour : String!
let minutes : String!


class checkInDaysTableViewController: UITableViewController {

var lastChildNameSegue = ""

var posts = [checkInStruct]()
let user = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let databaseRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference()

    let userID = user?.uid

    databaseRef.child("users").child("\(userID!)").child("checkins").child("\(lastChildNameSegue)").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in

        let userNameSnapValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        let userName = userNameSnapValue?["userName"] as? String

        let hourSnapValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        let hour = hourSnapValue?["hour"] as? String

        let minutesValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        let minutes = minutesValue?["minutes"] as? String


        self.posts.insert(checkInStruct(userName: userName, hour: hour, minutes: minutes) , at: 0)



override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return posts.count

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell")

    let userName = posts[indexPath.row].userName
    let hour = posts[indexPath.row].hour
    var minute = posts[indexPath.row].minutes

    let minuteInt = Int(minute!)

    if(minuteInt! >= 0 && minuteInt! <= 9){
        let minuteWithZero = "0\(minuteInt!)"
        minute = minuteWithZero

    let label1 = cell?.viewWithTag(1) as! UILabel
    label1.text = "\(userName!)"

    let label2 = cell?.viewWithTag(2) as! UILabel
    label2.text = "Checked In At \(hour!):\(minute!)"

    return cell!



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


root -> users

"users": [
    "{id_user_A}": {
        "name": A,
        "checkedin": [
            "{id_checkedin_1}": {
            "{id_checkedin_2}": {
    "{id_user_B}": {
        "name": B,
        "checkedin": []


答案 1 :(得分:0)


Users : {

   userID_1 : {
      userName : John Joe,
      checkInID : UNIQUE_ID_1; 

   userID_2 : {
      userName : Meghan,
      checkInID : UNIQUE_ID_2; 
         } , 

   userID_3 : {
      userName : Maria,
      checkInID : UNIQUE_ID_3; 


CheckIn_List : {

     UNIQUE_ID_1 : true;  // This id has checked in
     UNIQUE_ID_2 : true;  // This id has checked in
     UNIQUE_ID_3 : false; // This id has not yet checked in..

CheckIn_User_Info : {

     UNIQUE_ID_1 : {
      userName : John Joe,
      time : //time; 

   UNIQUE_ID_2 : {
      userName : Meghan,
      time : //time; 

   UNIQUE_ID_3 : {
      userName : Maria,
      time : //time; 

您想要遵循的程序: -

  • 如果您要对应用的每个用户进行身份验证,那么您已经拥有了user_ID,那么您需要担心的是可以用作Firebase server Timestamp的签入ID。

    var checkinID = FIRServerValue.timestamp()
  • 如果您未对用户进行身份验证;跳过第一部分,您仍然需要 checkinID

  • 将这些附加到安全规则

     "Users" : {
         ".write" : "auth != null && auth.uid === $uid",  // Will allow only the user to make any change within its node and no-one else
         ".read": "auth != null && auth.uid === $uid"
      "CheckIn_User_Info" : {
          ".write" : "auth != null", 
          ".read" : "auth != null"
       "CheckIn_List": {
          ".write" : "auth != null", 
          ".read" : "auth != null"
  • 我为checkIn id使用了不同的唯一ID,因为将来你可能想要添加一些你可能想要隐藏其他用户的用户细节,这样就解决了这个问题