
时间:2010-11-24 19:53:16

标签: c# string slice


public static string Slice(this string str, int? start = null, int? end = null, int step = 1)
    if (step == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Step cannot be zero.", "step");

    if (start == null)
        if (step > 0) start = 0;
        else start = str.Length - 1;
    else if (start < 0)
        if (start < -str.Length) start = 0;
        else start += str.Length;
    else if (start > str.Length) start = str.Length;

    if (end == null)
        if (step > 0) end = str.Length;
        else end = -1;
    else if (end < 0)
        if (end < -str.Length) end = 0;
        else end += str.Length;
    else if (end > str.Length) end = str.Length;

    if (start == end || start < end && step < 0 || start > end && step > 0) return "";
    if (start < end && step == 1) return str.Substring((int)start, (int)(end - start));

    int length = (int)(((end - start) / (float)step) + 0.5f);
    var sb = new StringBuilder(length);
    for (int i = (int)start, j = 0; j < length; i += step, ++j)
    return sb.ToString();




许多其他语言也有类似的东西。 string.Slice(1)相当于string.Substring(1)string.Substring(1,-1)修剪了第一个和最后一个字符。 string.Substring(null,null,-1)将反转字符串。 string.Substring(step:2)将返回一个包含其他所有字符的字符串...也类似于JS's slice,但还有一个额外的arg。


public static string Slice(this string str, int? start = null, int? end = null, int step = 1)
    if (step == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Step size cannot be zero.", "step");

    if (start == null) start = step > 0 ? 0 : str.Length - 1;
    else if (start < 0) start = start < -str.Length ? 0 : str.Length + start;
    else if (start > str.Length) start = str.Length;

    if (end == null) end = step > 0 ? str.Length : -1;
    else if (end < 0) end = end < -str.Length ? 0 : str.Length + end;
    else if (end > str.Length) end = str.Length;

    if (start == end || start < end && step < 0 || start > end && step > 0) return "";
    if (start < end && step == 1) return str.Substring(start.Value, end.Value - start.Value);

    var sb = new StringBuilder((int)Math.Ceiling((end - start).Value / (float)step));
    for (int i = start.Value; step > 0 && i < end || step < 0 && i > end; i += step)
    return sb.ToString();

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


从API的角度来看,我会考虑optional arguments而不是可以为空的内容。





答案 1 :(得分:1)



        if (start == null)
            start = step > 0 ? 0 : str.Length - 1;
        else if (start < 0)
            start = start < -str.Length ? 0 : str.Length + start;
        else if (start > str.Length) 
            start = str.Length; 

可能会将(int)int?更改为 int.Value


   var sb = new StringBuilder(length);

   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);

最重要的问题是if it does what it need, why fixing it?


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;

    namespace ConsoleApplication1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Stopwatch sw;
                string str;

                sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    str = "Step cannot be zero.".Slice(null, null, -3, true);
                Console.WriteLine("LINQ " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.#######") + " seconds");

                sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    str = "Step cannot be zero.".Slice(null, null, -3, false);
                Console.WriteLine("MANUAL " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.#######") + " seconds");


       static class  test
            public static string Slice(this string str, int? start, int? end, int step, bool linq)
                if (step == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Step cannot be zero.", "step");

                if (linq)

                    if (start == null) start = 0;
                    else if (start > str.Length) start = str.Length;

                    if (end == null) end = str.Length;
                    else if (end > str.Length) end = str.Length;

                    if (step < 0)
                        str = new string(str.Reverse().ToArray());
                        step = Math.Abs(step);
                    if (start == null)
                        if (step > 0) start = 0;
                        else start = str.Length - 1;
                    else if (start < 0)
                        if (start < -str.Length) start = 0;
                        else start += str.Length;
                    else if (start > str.Length) start = str.Length;

                    if (end == null)
                        if (step > 0) end = str.Length;
                        else end = -1;
                    else if (end < 0)
                        if (end < -str.Length) end = 0;
                        else end += str.Length;
                    else if (end > str.Length) end = str.Length;


                if (start == end || start < end && step < 0 || start > end && step > 0) return "";
                if (start < end && step == 1) return str.Substring(start.Value, end.Value - start.Value);

                if (linq)
                    return new string(str.Skip(start.Value).Take(end.Value - start.Value).Where((s, index) => index % step == 0).ToArray ());;
                    int length = (int)(((end.Value - start.Value) / (float)step) + 0.5f);
                    var sb = new StringBuilder(length);
                    for (int i = start.Value, j = 0; j < length; i += step, ++j)
                    return sb.ToString();


答案 2 :(得分:1)



var sb = new StringBuilder((end - start).Value / step);
for (int i = start.Value; step > 0 && i < end || step < 0 && i > end; i += step)