编写一个使用嵌套循环来收集数据和计算的程序 几个月的平均温度。该计划应该 首先询问月数。外循环将迭代一次 每个月。内循环将迭代四次,每次一次 一周一个星期。内循环的每次迭代都会询问用户 对于那一周的平均温度。在所有迭代之后, 程序应显示每个月的平均温度,并为 整个时期(所有月份)。
def avgTemp():
'''This function takes the input of number of months and takes 4 weekly temp averages
for each month then prints out the whole average
num_of_month --- integer
week_temp --- integer
total_avg --- return'''
num_of_month = int(input("Number of Months?: ")) #Asks how many months
total_avg = 0
monthly_avg = 0
for number in range(0,num_of_month):
for week in range(0,4):
week_temp = int(input("Avg week temp?: "))
monthly_avg += week_temp
monthly_avg = monthly_avg/4
total_avg += monthly_avg
total_avg = total_avg/num_of_month
print (total_avg)
print (monthly_avg)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
将print (monthly_avg)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
# Asks how many months
num_of_months = int(input("Number of Months?: "))
num_of_weeks = 4
# ask and store for weekly values
month_totals = [ 0 ] * num_of_weeks
total = 0
for month in range(num_of_months):
for week in range(num_of_weeks):
week_avg = int(input("Avg week temp?: "))
month_totals[month] += week_avg
total += week_avg
# print averages for each month
for month in range(num_of_months):
month_avg = float(month_totals[month]) / float(num_of_weeks)
print (month_avg)
# print average for the entire period
total_avg = float(total) / float(num_of_months * num_of_weeks)
print (total_avg)