
时间:2017-03-07 10:39:16

标签: javascript jquery css

我使用jquery来幻灯片放映和隐藏文本。 使用css代码隐藏文本,



 $( ".colContainer >  .mainContent:nth-child(n)" ).hover(function () {
       var $sel=$(".mainContent>.imageInfo:nth-child(" +( $(this).index() + 1)+")");

       if ( $sel.is( ":hidden" ) ) {
           $sel.slideDown( "slow" );console.log("hid");
        } else {


代码, https://jsfiddle.net/Debra321/j9kkx4no/127/



我的观察是有两个问题:一个是$ sel.hide被错误地调用,即使该项已经被隐藏了。二是第三项选择器以某种方式显示每个文本块。当悬停时,console.log会打印消息。

enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



它在jQuery中不起作用,因为在行var $sel = $(".mainContent>.imageInfo:nth-child(" + ($(this).index() + 1) + ")");中; nth-child选择器应位于.mainContent而不是.imageInfo

.imageInfo将永远是.mainContnet内的第3个孩子,这就是为什么只有当你将鼠标悬停在第3个图块上时index为2且{{1}是} nth-child,即3)。


var $sel = $(".mainContent:nth-child(" + ($(this).index() + 1) + ")>.imageInfo");

(function() {
  var dataObj =
        "widget": {
            "story": {
               "subtitle": "My",
               "maintitle": "Story",
               "desc": "A life as a daughter, sister and programer.",
               "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR",
               "spriteiconpos":"0 0",
               "url": "#"
        "work": {
            "subtitle": "Working",
            "maintitle": "Experience",
            "desc": "Learning, Studying and Training.",
            "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR",
            "imageinfo":"San Francisco",
            "spriteiconpos":"-80px 0",
            "url": "#"
        "interests": {
            "subtitle": "Personal",
            "maintitle": "Interests",
            "desc": "Paint life with colors of interests.",
            "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR",
            "spriteiconpos":"0 -80px",
            "url": "#"
        "goals": {
            "desc": "Do not just survive.",
            "image": "http://gdurl.com/USQR",
            "spriteiconpos":"-80px -80px",
            "url": "#"
  var dataObj = $.parseJSON(dataObj);
  var dataArray = $.map(dataObj["widget"], function(value, index) {
    return [value];
  var htmlCode = "";
  for (var i in dataArray) {
    var cssAttr = "";
    var cssSelect = "";
    htmlCode += "<div class='mainContent'>";
    htmlCode += "<div class='mainCol'>";
    htmlCode += "<h2>" + dataArray[i].subtitle + "</h2>";
    htmlCode += "<h1>" + dataArray[i].maintitle + "</h1>";
    htmlCode += "<p>" + dataArray[i].desc + "</p>";
    htmlCode += "</div>";
    htmlCode += "<i class='i-caretRight'></i>";
    htmlCode += "<div class='imageInfo'>" + dataArray[i].imageinfo + "</div>";
    htmlCode += "</div>";
    cssAttr = "background: url(http://gdurl.com/USQR) " + dataArray[i].spriteiconpos + "  no-repeat";
    cssSelect = ".colContainer >  .mainContent:nth-child(" + (parseInt(i) + 1) + "):before";
    var sheet = document.styleSheets[0];
    var rules = sheet.rules;
    document.styleSheets[0].addRule(cssSelect, cssAttr, rules.length);

  $("#phoneContent .colContainer").html(htmlCode);
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