0╥+☻ guru99.txt","w+") existing: f=open("guru99.txt", "a+")
f = open("noah.txt","w+")
fl = f.readlines()
for x in fl:
ä Z d♫ e☺ j â☺ Z YZ♠ d
d☻ S(☼ sv Python Character Mapping Codec cp1252 generated from 'MAPPINGS/V
ENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT' with gencodec.py.
i Nt♣ Codecc ☻ B s e Z☺ d d☺ ä☺ Z☻ d d☻ ä☺ Z♥ RS(♥ t♠
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p_encodet♫ encoding_table(♥ t♦ selft♣ inputt♠ errors( ( s# C:\
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☺ |☺ |☻ t☻ â♥ S(☺ N(♥ R☻ t♫ charmap_decodet♫ decoding_table(♥ R♣ R
♠ R ( ( s# C:\Python27\lib\encodings\cp1252.pyt♠ decode♫ s☻ ☺
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__module__ R♂ ( ( ( s# C:\Python27\lib\encodings\cp1252.pyR
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R♫ R◄ R‼ R↕ ( ( ( s# C:\Python27\lib\encodings\cp1252.pyt♂
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module>♥ s¶ ♠☻♀↓♦↓♦∟♥∟♣ ☼♠ ♦ R◄ R↕ ( ( s∟ C:\Python27\lib\
functools.pyR‼ = s c☻ ☻ ☻ S s↨ | |☺ k♦ p§ | |☺ k☻ ♀S(☺ N(
(☻ R◄ R↕ ( ( s∟ C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyR‼ > s c☻ ☻
☻ S s▬ | |☺ k♦ p§ | |☺ k☻ S(☺ N( (☻ R◄ R↕ ( ( s∟ C
:\Python27\lib\functools.pyR‼ ? s c☻ ☻ ☻ S s♂ | |☺ k♦ ♀S(☺ N
( (☻ R◄ R↕ ( ( s∟ C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyR‼ @ s c☻
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‼ B s c☻ ☻ ☻ S s♂ | |☺ k♣ ♀S(☺ N( (☻ R◄ R↕ ( (
s∟ C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyR‼ C s s6 must define at least one o
rdering operation: < > <= >=( t♥ sett♥ dirt
ValueErrort♥ maxR♥ R t♥ intR♦ R♠ (♠ t♥ clst convertt♣ roo
tst♦ roott♠ opnamet♠ opfunc( ( s∟ C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyt♫
total_ordering5 s. ☻♥☺♀☺♀☺‼☺♀☺♀☺‼☺♀☺♀☺‼☺♀☺♀☺▬☻∟☺♠☺☼☺♀☺↨☺♀☺ ☺§☺↨☺c☺
☻ ♦ ♥ s d☺ t f☺ ç f☺ d☻ å â Y}☺ |☺ S(♥ s, Convert a cmp= func
tion into a key= functiont☺ Kc ☻ ☻
# new: f= open("guru99.txt","w+") existing: f=open("guru99.txt", "a+")
f = open("noah.txt","w+")
fl = f.readlines()
for x in fl:
Python:2.7.9(默认,2014年12月10日,12:28:03)[MSC v.1500 64 bit(AMD64)]。 Windows 7 64位。为什么会这样?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
这让我觉得你正在打开一个文件,写入文件,然后尝试使用相同的文件句柄读取文件末尾。 (蜂鸣声是你的终端/命令解释器被一个不可打印的字符命中,可能来自同一目录中的二进制* .pyc文件。)
这看起来很合理:Mixing read() and write() on Python files in Windows
# new: f= open("guru99.txt","w+") existing: f=open("guru99.txt", "a+")
f = open("noah.txt","w+")
# Now reset back to the start of the file
fl = f.readlines()
for x in fl: