
时间:2017-03-01 11:48:17

标签: mysql excel vba excel-vba commandbutton




  1. 将连续范围从 A3 (第一个活动单元格)复制到AZ列 - 这是手动选择。

  2. 使用VBA链接的命令按钮启动下一页中复制数据的过程: 例如

  3. sheet1.column B  = sheet2.column A
    sheet2.column B= "" 
    'empty and data copy is not needed, please just generate the empty row
    sheet1.column Y = sheet2.column C
    1. 复制过程结束后,请清除sheet1中的所有数据
    2. 我的核心问题是上述行的数据计数每次都不同。我似乎找不到正确的命令序列来按照我需要的顺序从sheet1获取这些列。除此之外,格式化中断和时间值是“字符串化”,因此无法重复使用。



      祝你好运, Marcis

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题的解决方案是 f(x)= y ,其中 x 是列号。源表单和 y 是目标工作表上同一列的列号。 f(x)是Source列之间的简单映射,并转换为目标列号

由于您仍需要通过包含示例数据来更好地定义问题,因此我只简要介绍解决问题的3个步骤。 我希望您能够充分了解您的VBA,将步骤编码为您需要永久解决的特定VBA代码。

  1. 将表格创建为" ControlPanel"映射您需要的列。 enter image description here
  2. 假设您的工作表根据以下代码正确命名。
  3. 请根据您的需要,运用您的VBA技能和自由裁量权来自定义以下代码。

    Public Sub Add_Msng_And_Check_Prev_EmpData()
    ''  Objective : Check missing employees from the incoming data placed in the Destination_Sheet sheet which is the client's format.
    ''  The _Source_Sheet sheet is our destination where processed data sits,
    ''  columns from Destination_Sheet are mapped to specific columns of the _Source_Sheet sheet.
    ''  Copy the missing emp codes to these mapped columns.
    '' Support :  myfullnamewithoutspaces@gmail.com
    '' Status : Production 14-Dec-2016 10.32 PM
    '' Version : 1.0
    '' To Do : 10 is the column number on Source_Sheet where the emp code resides
    '' Convert this magic number to a generic solution
    Dim Src_Sheet, Destination_Sheet As Worksheet
    Dim Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping, Src_Sheet_Column_Location As Range
    Set Src_Sheet = Sheets("Source_Sheet")
    Set Destination_Sheet = Sheets("Destination_Sheet")
    Set Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping = Sheets("ControlPanel").Range("A2:A60")
    Set Src_Sheet_Column_Location = Sheets("ControlPanel").Range("D2:D60")
    Dim myMap()  As Integer
    Dim myRow As Variant
    ReDim myMap(Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping.Count + 1)
    '' Map the source_columns to the destination_columns
    For Each myRow In Src_Sheet_Column_Location
    '' Index corresponds to Source_Sheet column
    '' Value at Index to Destination_Sheet
    '' for eg: Destination_Sheet.column = myMap(Src_Sheet.column)
        myMap(myRow) = Dest_Sheet_Column_Mapping.Cells(myRow, 1).Value
    Next myRow
    Dim Primary_Key_Not_Null As Collection
    Set Primary_Key_Not_Null = New Collection
    Dim Master, Src_Sheet_Range, Src_Range As Range
    Dim MissingEmployeeCode, LookupValue, tempVar, LookupResult  As Variant
    Dim LastRow, i, Src_Range_Rows_Count, Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count As Integer
    '' This is the source of all new entries we need to search for.
    Set Src_Sheet_Range = Destination_Sheet.Range(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1, myMap(10)), Destination_Sheet.Cells(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1048576, myMap(10)).End(xlUp).Row, myMap(10)))
    Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count = Src_Sheet_Range.Rows.Count
    '' This is the database of all previous existing entries we need to search against.
    Set Src_Range = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(1, 10), Src_Sheet.Cells(Src_Sheet.Cells(1048576, 10).End(xlUp).Row, 10))
    Src_Range_Rows_Count = Src_Range.Rows.Count
        For i = 3 To Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count
        '' Skip the blank rows and header at rows 0 to 2
            On Error Resume Next
            LookupValue = Destination_Sheet.Cells(i, myMap(10)).Value
                LookupResult = Application.Match(LookupValue, Src_Range, 0)
                    If (IsError(LookupResult)) Then
                    '' To Do : Check for Duplicates within the previously added values
                    '' LookupValue becomes your missing empcode and i is the row number it's located at
                    '' The row number i becomes critical when you want to copy the same record that you have just found missing.
                        Primary_Key_Not_Null.Add i '' LookupValue
                        '' LookupValue is the actual missing empcode, however we need the row number for the copy operation later
                    End If
        Next i
    LastRow = Src_Sheet.Cells(1048576, 10).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
    Dim FirstRow, LastColumn, j, Src_Range_Columns_Count As Integer
    FirstRow = LastRow
    ''--Phase 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    '' Objective : Get and paste data for each missing empcode
    With Src_Range
        LastColumn = .Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
        LastRow = Primary_Key_Not_Null.Count + FirstRow
        Set Src_Range = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
        Src_Range_Columns_Count = Src_Range.Columns.Count
            For i = FirstRow To LastRow ''FirstRow + 3 '' Commented for Debugging
                For j = 1 To Src_Range_Columns_Count '' 59
                ''  The simple logic is Row Numbers and Column numbers obtained from all the above operations
                ''  define the cells in the Src_Sheet sheet that we need this data pasted ito.
                ''  For details please see the code below.
                Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Value = Destination_Sheet.Cells(Primary_Key_Not_Null(i - FirstRow + 1), myMap(j)).Value
                Next j
            Next i
    End With
    ''--Phase 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ''  Objective : For the previous range in Source_Sheet, check each cell in each column against the mapped columns in the Destination_Sheet.
    ''  When you find a discrepancy: style it Bad, for the matches: style it Good,
    ''  for the not found : Style it neutral.
    LastRow = FirstRow
    FirstRow = 2
    Set Src_Range = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(2, 1), Src_Sheet.Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
    Src_Range.Style = "Normal"
    Dim FoundRow, FoundColumn As Integer
    FoundRow = 0
    FoundColumn = 10
    Dim LookupRange, LookupDatabase As Range
    Set LookupRange = Src_Sheet.Range(Src_Sheet.Cells(1, 10), Src_Sheet.Cells(LastRow, 10))
    Set LookupDatabase = Destination_Sheet.Range(Destination_Sheet.Cells(1, myMap(10)), Destination_Sheet.Cells(Src_Sheet_Range_Rows_Count, myMap(10)))
    Dim FoundRows As Collection
    Set FoundRows = New Collection
    '' Locate the row of each employee code on Emp Master, push it into a collection and let the emp code be it's key
    Dim LookupRange_Row_Count As Integer
    LookupRange_Row_Count = LookupRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 2 To LookupRange_Row_Count
    On Error Resume Next
        FoundRow = Application.Match(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value, LookupDatabase, 0)
        If (Not IsError(FoundRow)) Then
        '' myRow contains EmpCode which is the key, FoundRow = Where I Found it, becomes the value.
         FoundRows.Add FoundRow, CStr(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
        End If
    Next i
    Dim Src_Sheet_Value, EmpMstrValue, myEmpCodeString As String
    For i = FirstRow To LastRow '' 2 to 1029
        For j = 1 To Src_Range_Columns_Count '' 59
        ''  Handle 4 cases.
        ''  1.  Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and matches = Good
        ''  2.  Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and does not match = Bad
        ''  3.  Src_Sheet Cell Value Not Found or not in Scope and hence does not match = Neutral
        ''  4.  Src_Sheet Cell Value is a duplicate of a value which is already checked earlier. = ??
        Src_Sheet_Value = Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Value
            myEmpCodeString = CStr(LookupRange.Cells(i, 1).Value)
            myRow = CInt(FoundRows(myEmpCodeString))
        EmpMstrValue = Destination_Sheet.Cells(myRow, myMap(j)).Value
        ''  Implements 1.  Src_Sheet Cell Value Found and matches = Good
        If Src_Sheet_Value = EmpMstrValue Then
            Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Style = "Good"
            Src_Sheet.Cells(i, j).Style = "Bad"
        End If
        Next j
    Next i
    End Sub
  4. 我发现自己的状况与你自己的情况相同。尽管代码在概念上很简单,但它要求您在源,目标,转换模式中彻底定义问题。 请随意发邮件至myfullnamewithoutspaces@gmail.com。我会以任何方式提供帮助。