使用AWS ELB在WSO2中进行负载平衡设置

时间:2017-03-01 09:48:19

标签: wso2 amazon-elb

我正在尝试在WSO2中进行负载均衡。我已经设置了三个AWS实例,每个实例都有WSO2身份服务器,WSO2应用程序管理器和WSO2自定义服务(Rest Web服务)。

I want to implement Load balancing feature. To achieve this, I have setup AWS ELB with three instances in AWS management console. I have also setup clustering feature in every instance where I have put Instance-I as Manager node and Instance-II and instance-III as worker node.  I am following this URL "https://docs.wso2.com/display/CLUSTER420/Setting+up+a+Cluster"



由于 Anup Kumar Shrivastaw

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