我尝试使用python driver从Cassandra加载和删除数据。我使用在docker容器中运行的cassandra和在docker版本给我带来问题后再次在本地再次尝试了这个。以下是我正在做的事情的一个例子:
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cluster = Cluster()
self.session = self.cluster.connect('mykeyspace')
def insert_into_cassandra(self):
query = ('INSERT INTO mytable (mykey, indexed_key) VALUES (?, ?)')
prepared = self.session.prepare(query)
prepared.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM
params_gen = self.params_generator(fname)
execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, prepared, self.parameter_generator(), concurrency=50)
def delete_param_gen(self, results):
for r in results:
yield [r.mykey]
def delete_by_index(self, value):
query = "SELECT mykey from mytable where indexed_key = '%s'" % value
res = self.session.execute(query)
delete_query = "DELETE from mytable where mykey = ?"
prepared = self.session.prepare(delete_query)
prepared.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM
params_gen = self.delete_param_gen(res)
execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, prepared, params_gen, concurrency=50)
Sending options message heartbeat on idle connection (4422117360)
Heartbeat failed for connection (4422117360) to
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,562] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Defuncting connection (4422117360) to errors=Connection heartbeat timeout after 30 seconds, last_host=
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,563] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.libevreactor] Closing connection (4422117360) to
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,563] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.libevreactor] Closed socket to
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,564] [DEBUG] [cassandra.pool] Defunct or closed connection (4422117360) returned to pool, potentially marking host as down
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,566] [DEBUG] [cassandra.pool] Replacing connection (4422117360) to
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,567] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Defuncting connection (4426057600) to errors=Connection heartbeat timeout after 30 seconds, last_host=
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,567] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.libevreactor] Closing connection (4426057600) to
[2017-02-28 08:37:20,567] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.libevreacto[2017-02-28 08:37:20,568] [ERROR] [cassandra.cluster] Unexpected exception while handling result in ResponseFuture:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 3536, in cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture._set_result (cassandra/cluster.c:67556)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 3711, in cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture._set_final_result (cassandra/cluster.c:71769)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 154, in cassandra.concurrent._ConcurrentExecutor._on_success (cassandra/concurrent.c:3357)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 203, in cassandra.concurrent.ConcurrentExecutorListResults._put_result (cassandra/concurrent.c:5539)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 209, in cassandra.concurrent.ConcurrentExecutorListResults._put_result (cassandra/concurrent.c:5427)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 123, in cassandra.concurrent._ConcurrentExecutor._execute_next (cassandra/concurrent.c:2369)
File "load_cassandra.py", line 148, in delete_param_gen
for r in rows:
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 3991, in cassandra.cluster.ResultSet.next (cassandra/cluster.c:76025)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 4006, in cassandra.cluster.ResultSet.fetch_next_page (cassandra/cluster.c:76193)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 3781, in cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture.result (cassandra/cluster.c:73073)
cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ('Unable to complete the operation against any hosts', {})r] Closed socket to
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,594] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Sending options message heartbeat on idle connection (140301574604448)
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,595] [DEBUG] [cassandra.cluster] [control connection] Attempting to reconnect
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.cluster] [control connection] Opening new connection to
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Not sending options message for new connection(140301347717016) to because compression is disabled and a cql version was not specified
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Sending StartupMessage on <AsyncoreConnection(140301347717016)>
[2017-02-28 16:50:25,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Sent StartupMessage on <AsyncoreConnection(140301347717016)>
[2017-02-28 16:50:30,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.asyncorereactor] Closing connection (140301347717016) to
[2017-02-28 16:50:30,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.asyncorereactor] Closed socket to
[2017-02-28 16:50:30,596] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Connection to was closed during the startup handshake
[2017-02-28 16:50:30,597] [WARNING] [cassandra.cluster] [control connection] Error connecting to
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 2623, in cassandra.cluster.ControlConnection._reconnect_internal (cassandra/cluster.c:47899)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 2645, in cassandra.cluster.ControlConnection._try_connect (cassandra/cluster.c:48416)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 1119, in cassandra.cluster.Cluster.connection_factory (cassandra/cluster.c:15085)
File "cassandra/connection.py", line 333, in cassandra.connection.Connection.factory (cassandra/connection.c:5790)
cassandra.OperationTimedOut: errors=Timed out creating connection (5 seconds), last_host=None
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,309] [ERROR] [root] Exception inserting data into cassandra
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "load_cassandra.py", line 54, in run
File "extract_to_cassandra.py", line 141, in insert_into_cassandra
for success, result in results:
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 177, in _results (cassandra/concurrent.c:4856)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 186, in cassandra.concurrent.ConcurrentExecutorGenResults._results (cassandra/concurrent.c:4622)
File "cassandra/concurrent.py", line 165, in cassandra.concurrent._ConcurrentExecutor._raise (cassandra/concurrent.c:3745)
cassandra.WriteTimeout: Error from server: code=1100 [Coordinator node timed out waiting for replica nodes' responses] message="Operation timed out - received only 0 responses." info={'consistency': 'QUORUM', 'required_responses': 1, 'received_responses': 0}
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,465] [DEBUG] [cassandra.connection] Received options response on connection (140301574604448) from
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,466] [DEBUG] [cassandra.cluster] Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,467] [DEBUG] [cassandra.cluster] Shutting down control connection
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,467] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.asyncorereactor] Closing connection (140301574604448) to
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,467] [DEBUG] [cassandra.io.asyncorereactor] Closed socket to
[2017-02-28 16:50:39,468] [DEBUG] [cassandra.pool] Defunct or closed connection (140301574604448) returned to pool, potentially marking host as down
INFO 18:39:11 MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms: 4 for internal timeout and 0 for cross node timeout. Mean internal dropped latency: 2933809 ms and Mean cross-node dropped latency: 0 msINFO 18:39:11 Pool Name Active Pending Completed Blocked All Time Blocked [48/1513]
INFO 18:39:11 MutationStage 32 15 470 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 ViewMutationStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 ReadStage 0 0 59 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 RequestResponseStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 ReadRepairStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 CounterMutationStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 MiscStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 CompactionExecutor 0 0 6399 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 MemtableReclaimMemory 0 0 36 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 PendingRangeCalculator 0 0 1 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 GossipStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 SecondaryIndexManagement 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 HintsDispatcher 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 MigrationStage 0 0 2 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 MemtablePostFlush 0 0 62 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0 0 0 36 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 ValidationExecutor 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 Sampler 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 MemtableFlushWriter 0 0 36 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 InternalResponseStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 AntiEntropyStage 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 CacheCleanupExecutor 0 0 0 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 Native-Transport-Requests 33 0 727 0 0
INFO 18:39:11 CompactionManager 0 0INFO 18:39:11 MessagingService n/a 0/0
INFO 18:39:11 Cache Type Size Capacity KeysToSave
INFO 18:39:11 KeyCache 1368 51380224 all
INFO 18:39:11 RowCache 0 0 all
INFO 18:39:11 Table Memtable ops,data
INFO 18:39:11 system_distributed.parent_repair_history 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_distributed.repair_history 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_distributed.view_build_status 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.compaction_history 1,231
INFO 18:39:11 system.hints 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_aggregates 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.IndexInfo 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_columnfamilies 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_triggers 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.size_estimates 40,1255
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_functions 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.paxos 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.views_builds_in_progress 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.built_views 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.peer_events 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.range_xfers 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.peers 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.batches 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_keyspaces 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_usertypes 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.local 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.sstable_activity 6,117
INFO 18:39:11 system.available_ranges 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.batchlog 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system.schema_columns 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.columns 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.types 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.indexes 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.keyspaces 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.dropped_columns 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.aggregates 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.triggers 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.tables 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.views 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_schema.functions 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_auth.roles 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_auth.role_members 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_auth.resource_role_permissons_index 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_auth.role_permissions 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 mykeyspace.mytable 430,27163514
INFO 18:39:11 system_traces.sessions 0,0
INFO 18:39:11 system_traces.events 0,0
INFO 18:39:13 ParNew GC in 261ms. CMS Old Gen: 46106544 -> 74868512; Par Eden Space: 208895224 -> 0; Par Survivor Space: 16012448 -> 26083328
Out of 29 commit log syncs over the past 248s with average duration of 1596.14ms, 1 have exceeded the configured commit interval by an average of 18231.00ms
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def __init__(self):
self.cluster = Cluster(idle_heartbeat_interval=10)
self.session = self.cluster.connect('mykeyspace')