
时间:2017-02-27 19:53:05

标签: r plot pca vegan


library(vegan)        # perform NMDS
library(cluster)      # calculate dissimilarities in data, silhouette scores, ...
library(RColorBrewer) # better colour options

comm <- read.table("equilibria0.txt")   # communities in rows, species in columns
comm <- comm[,-1]     # delete the first column (the empty sites)
comm <- decostand(comm, method = "total")*100

NMDS <- metaMDS(comm, # our community-by-species matrix
                k=2)  # the number of reduced dimensions
k <- 2                # number of clusters

# introduce some colours for the clusters
lightcolours <- c("darkolivegreen3", "cadetblue3")

# calculate Bray-Curtis distance among samples
comm.bc.dist <- vegdist(comm, method = "bray")
# cluster communities using average-linkage algorithm
comm.bc.clust <- hclust(comm.bc.dist, method = "average")

# k is the number of clusters we want
# every LC is assigned a number from 1 to k
comm.bc.cut <- cutree(comm.bc.clust, k=2)

# set up the plotting area but don't plot anything yet
mds.fig <- ordiplot(NMDS, type = "none")
# plot just the samples, colour by cluster, pch=19 means plot a circle
for (i in 1:k) {
           pch = 19,
           col = lightcolours[i],
           select = comm.bc.cut == i)

图形输出显示系统有两个不同的集群,正如我所料: enter image description here

现在我有another 30 files,全部与equilibria0.txt相同,但第一行除外。换句话说,在500个当地社区中,499个没有变化,一个(第一行)发生了变化。这是因为我在本地社区进行了一些小的更改,以确定在此更改之后它是否会及时发展到其他群集。所以我想在一个图中得到这30个文件的所有信息,特别是显示如下图所示的轨迹,可以在Gibson et al的论文中找到:

enter image description here


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