我正在编写迷宫生成器,在某些时候我必须选择一个单元格的随机未访问的邻居。第一个想法是枚举邻居,例如left = 0,top = 1,right = 2,bottom = 3,并使用rand()%4生成随机数并选择合适的单元格。但是,并非所有单元都有4个邻居,因此我必须编写以下代码:
Cell* getRandomNeighbour(const Maze* const maze, const Cell* const currentCell) {
int randomNumb = rand() % 4;
int timer = 1;
while(timer > 0) {
if (randomNumb == 0 && currentCell->x < maze->width-1 && maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x+1].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x+1];
if (randomNumb == 1 && currentCell->x > 0 && maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x-1].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x-1];
if (randomNumb == 2 && currentCell->y < maze->height-1 && maze->map[currentCell->y+1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y+1][currentCell->x];
if (randomNumb == 3 && currentCell->y > 0 && maze->map[currentCell->y-1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y-1][currentCell->x];
randomNumb = rand() % 4;
if (currentCell->x < maze->width-1 && maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x+1].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x+1];
if (currentCell->x > 0 && maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x-1].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x-1];
if (currentCell->y < maze->height-1 && maze->map[currentCell->y+1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y+1][currentCell->x];
if (currentCell->y > 0 && maze->map[currentCell->y-1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited)
return &maze->map[currentCell->y-1][currentCell->x];
return NULL;
因此,如果经过10次迭代后没有选择正确的决定,那么它将被蛮力挑选。这种方法似乎很好,因为变量 timer 会改变迷宫的复杂性:计时器越少,迷宫越简单。然而,如果我唯一的目的是生成完全随机的迷宫,那么它需要大量的执行时间并且看起来有点难看。是否有任何模式(使用C语言)或重构方式可以使我在没有长开关和大量if-else结构的情况下处理这种情况?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
建议@pat和@Ivan Gritsenko,您可以将随机选择限制为仅有效的单元格,如下所示:
Cell* getRandomNeighbour(const Maze* const maze, const Cell* const currentCell)
Cell *neighbours[4] = {NULL};
int count = 0;
// first select the valid neighbours
if ( currentCell->x < maze->width - 1
&& maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x + 1].isUnvisited ) {
neighbours[count++] = &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x + 1];
if ( currentCell->x > 0
&& maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x - 1].isUnvisited ) {
neighbours[count++] = &maze->map[currentCell->y][currentCell->x - 1];
if ( currentCell->y < maze->height - 1
&& maze->map[currentCell->y + 1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited ) {
neighbours[count++] = &maze->map[currentCell->y + 1][currentCell->x];
if ( currentCell->y > 0
&& maze->map[currentCell->y - 1][currentCell->x].isUnvisited ) {
neighbours[count++] = &maze->map[currentCell->y - 1][currentCell->x];
// then choose one of them (if any)
int chosen = 0;
if ( count > 1 )
int divisor = RAND_MAX / count;
do {
chosen = rand() / divisor;
} while (chosen >= count);
return neighbours[chosen];
随机数生成部分背后的基本原理(与更常见的rand() % count
相反)在this answer中得到了很好的解释。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
// in_maze returns whether x, y is a valid maze coodinate.
int in_maze(const Maze* const maze, int x, int y) {
return 0 <= x && x < maze->width && 0 <= y && y < maze->height;
Cell *get_random_neighbour(const Maze* const maze, const Cell* const c) {
int dirs[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
// Randomly shuffle dirs.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int r = i + rand() % (4 - i);
int t = dirs[i];
dirs[i] = dirs[r];
dirs[r] = t;
// Iterate through the shuffled dirs, returning the first one that's valid.
for (int trial=0; trial<4; trial++) {
int dx = (dirs[trial] == 0) - (dirs[trial] == 2);
int dy = (dirs[trial] == 1) - (dirs[trial] == 3);
if (in_maze(maze, c->x + dx, c->y + dy)) {
const Cell * const ret = &maze->map[c->y + dy][c->x + dx];
if (ret->isUnvisited) return ret;
return NULL;
(免责声明:未经测试 - 它可能有一些小问题,例如const正确性。)