Can i be able to get list of ip addresses from a machine using perl.
我只想要ipv4地址。 要获取所有IP地址,我应该使用ifconfig命令,或者有一种方法perl可以通过它的API给我这个。
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Socket;
sub getIpAddressbyHost {
my ($hostname,$refAddress) = @_;
return -1 unless ($hostname ne "");
my $address = "";
unless ($hostname =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
eval {
if($hostname ne "") {
my $nformat = inet_aton($hostname);
unless(defined($nformat)) {
print("Error at getIpAddressbyHost for hostname $hostname\n");
return -1;
$address = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($hostname));
$$refAddress = $address;
if ($@) {
print("Error at getIpAddressbyHost for host $hostname : $@");
#$self->addErrorDetails("Error at getIpAddressbyHost for host $hostname : $@");
return -1;
else {
$$refAddress = $hostname;
return 1;
my $ipaddr = "Can't find";
print "enter the hostname: \n";
my $input = <STDIN>;
my $retval = getIpAddressbyHost($input,\$ipaddr);
if($retval == 1){
print("the value of ipaddr: $ipaddr \n");