如何在不使用do-notation的情况下编写函数事务,使用bind& FMAP?
transaction :: UTCTime -> EncUser -> STM (Either Text ())
transaction now user = do
dbData <- readTVar db
case isValidRequest dbData of
Right _ -> do confirmRegistration user
return $ Right ()
Left err -> return $ Left err
where isValidRequest = registrationExists >=> isConfirmationValid now
confirmRegistration :: EncUser -> STM ()
registrationExists :: DbData -> Either Text Registration
isConfirmationValid :: UTCTime -> Registration -> Either Text Registration
transaction :: UTCTime -> EncUser -> STM (Either Text ())
transaction now user = do
readTVar db
>>= return . isValidRequest
>>= fmap (confirmRegistration user)
where isValidRequest = registrationExists >=> isConfirmationValid now
...但编译失败,错误如下,我似乎无法理解如何在isValidRequest生成的任一结果之上fmap confirmRegistration
• Couldn't match type ‘Either Text’ with ‘STM’ Expected type: Either Text Registration -> STM (Either Text ()) Actual type: STM Registration -> STM (Either Text ()) • In the second argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘fmap (confirmRegistration user)’ In the expression: do { readTVar db } >>= return . isValidRequest >>= fmap (confirmRegistration user) In an equation for ‘transaction’: transaction now user = do { readTVar db } >>= return . isValidRequest >>= fmap (confirmRegistration user) where isValidRequest = registrationExists >=> isConfirmationValid now
答案 0 :(得分:2)
transaction now user =
readTVar db >>= \dbData ->
case isValidRequest dbData of
Right _ -> confirmRegistration user >>
return (Right ())
Left err -> return $ Left err
where isValidRequest = registrationExists >=> isConfirmationValid now
答案 1 :(得分:0)
#####Get Registry Value ####
$main = "LocalMachine"
$path= "registry key path"
$servers = Get-Content c:\input.txt #-- Get all the servers
$arr=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($Server in $servers)
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($main, $Server)
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey($path)
$Value = $regkey.GetValue($key)
注意:运营商&lt;。&gt;是“functor composition”找到here