我试图在短时间内从python连接到sql server数据库4次以进行一些数据拉动,并且在第3次拉动时失败。
import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
import sqlalchemy
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import numpy as np
import itertools
cnx=sqlalchemy.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://username:password@",pool_size=4, max_overflow=0)
def get_data():
sql1 = "select Send_Customer from Pretty_Txns with (noLock) where Send_Date >='2017-01-01' and Send_Date <= '2017-01-02'"
sql2 = "select Pay_Customer from Pretty_Txns with (noLock) where Pay_Date >='2017-01-01' and Pay_Date <= '2017-01-02'"
df1 = pd.read_sql(sql1,cnx)
df2 = pd.read_sql(sql2,cnx)
l1 = df1.values.tolist()
l2 = df2.values.tolist()
l1 = [item for sublist in l1 for item in sublist]
l2 = [item for sublist in l2 for item in sublist]
Send_list = [l1[i:i + 2000] for i in xrange(0, len(l1),2000)]
Pay_list = [l2[i:i + 2000] for i in xrange(0, len(l2),2000)]
for list1,list2 in itertools.izip_longest(Send_list,Pay_list):
placeholders1 = ','.join('?' for i in range(len(list1)))
placeholders2 = ','.join('?' for i in range(len(list2)))
sql1="select * from Pretty_Txns with (noLock) where Send_Date >='2017-01-01' and Send_Date <= '2017-01-02' and Send_Customer in (%s)" % placeholders1
sql2="select * from Pretty_Txns with (noLock) where Pay_Date >='2017-01-01' and Pay_Date <= '2017-01-02' and Pay_Customer in (%s)" % placeholders2
df_send = pd.read_sql(sql1,cnx,params=list1)
df_pay = pd.read_sql(sql2,cnx,params=list2)
df_send['time_diff'] = pd.to_numeric(df_send['Pay_Time']-df_send['Send_Time'])
df_send['time_diff'] = df_send['time_diff']/1000000000
df_pay['time_diff'] = pd.to_numeric(df_pay['Pay_Time']-df_pay['Send_Time'])
df_pay['time_diff'] = df_pay['time_diff']/1000000000
return {"df_send":df_send,"df_pay":df_pay}
sql1="select * from Pretty_Txns with (noLock) where Send_Date >='2017-01-01' and Send_Date <= '2017-01-02' and Send_Customer in (%s)" % placeholders1
DBAPIError: (pyodbc.Error) ('08S01', '[08S01] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: Error code 0x68 (104)