我是Gherkin / ATDD / BDD的新手。我正在起草以下验收测试:
Given a user is waiting for an operation to complete
And the operation is <percent>% complete
When <threshold> seconds elapse
Then a progress indicator should be displayed
And the progress indicator should display "<percent>%"
这个特定的是否足够,或者我应该修改Given子句来表示一个更具体的例子(用SBE术语思考),例如通过引用特定的角色而不仅仅是&# 34;用户&#34;或引用确切的&#34;操作&#34;正在进行中(例如:获取客户名单)?
谢谢, 贝
答案 0 :(得分:1)
测试美学的唯一真正方法是向人们展示并看到他们的想法。 A / B测试对此非常有用。 BDD并不特别适合美学,因为美学并不是关于系统的理想行为,而是关于用户的理想行为。
如果某些算法适用于进度条行为的一个方面,那么确定,那将值得测试...但正如其他人所说的那样,这是最好留给课堂的东西-level BDD,其中的示例更直接地与代码绑定。
在这个级别,你可以放"Given, When, Then" statements in comments并且它已经足够好了。类级步骤不会像系统级步骤一样重复使用,因此将它们变成可重用的抽象并不像使它们易于更改那么重要。坚持使用J / N / WhateverUnit并嘲笑其余部分。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
是的,你应该更具体。如果您只有一种类型的用户,或者此测试用例适用于每个用户组&#34; user&#34;对你的测试来说可能已经足够了。但是,我认为您应该指定必须等待的操作,因为TDD对您的代码感到安全,如果您还没有对所有操作进行测试,那么如何确保它在任何地方都能正常工作?可能会导致延迟?
答案 2 :(得分:0)
<强> BDD 强>
Feature: Rewards for frequent flyers
As a frequent flyer
I should receive points to my account
So that I am more likely to book with BDD Airlines again in the future
Scenario: I get flyer miles
Given I book a flight
And this flight earns 100 miles
When I land
Then my account should have 100 miles added to it
问题是,这概述了整个问题还是需要更多信息? 开发团队是否能够使用此对话构建一些内容(正如您对SBE所做的那样)?
Feature: Rewards for frequent flyers
As a frequent flyer
I should receive points to my account
So that I am more likely to book with BDD Airlines again in the future
Scenario: Passenger gets flyer miles
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is scanned at "LGW"
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is rewarded 100 miles
Scenario: Passenger missed their flight
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is not scanned at "LGW"
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is not rewarded any miles
Scenario: Passenger gets kicked off the plane
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is scanned at "LGW"
But the ticket is removed from the flight
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is not rewarded any miles