使用Angular 2

时间:2017-02-18 15:48:11

标签: angular dynamic owl-carousel



我按照这个例子https://plnkr.co/edit/HV6MNbC3vE04P9q0QnPv?p=preview 好,我不能从阵列加载img,但当我尝试加载我的图像时,不能正常工作。


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import { TouristZoneModel } from './../shared/tourist-zone.model';
import { TouristZoneService } from './../shared/tourist-zone.service';

  selector: 'tourist-zone-list',
  templateUrl: 'app/tourist-zones/tourist-zone-list/tourist-zone-list.component.html'

export class TouristZoneListComponent implements OnInit {
  touristZones: TouristZoneModel[] = [];
  pathImg = '/app/assets/images/';
  images: Array<string> = ['sports', 'abstract', 'people', 'transport', 'city', 'technics', 'nightlife', 'animals'];

    private touristZoneService: TouristZoneService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
      .then(tz => this.touristZones = tz);
<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>
  <owl-carousel [options]="{navigation: false, pagination: true, rewindNav : false, lazyLoad : true}">
    <div *ngFor="let touristZone of touristZones">
      <img [src]="touristZone.images[0].name" [alt]="touristZone.name" />
  <h3>Sample 3</h3>
  <owl-carousel [options]="{navigation: false, pagination: true, rewindNav : false}">
    <div *ngFor="let img of images">
      <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/{{img}}" />


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, URLSearchParams } from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
import { TouristZoneModel } from './tourist-zone.model';
import { TOURISTZONES } from './../../shared/constants';


export class TouristZoneService {

  constructor(private http: Http) { }

  getTouristZones(provincePathImg: string): Promise<TouristZoneModel[]> {
    let params = new URLSearchParams();
    params.set('provincePathImg', provincePathImg);
    return this.http.get(TOURISTZONES, { search: params })
      .then(response => {
        return response.json() as TouristZoneModel[];
  private handleError(error: any): Promise<any> {
    console.error('An error occurred', error); // for demo purposes only
    return Promise.reject(error.message || error);


import {Component, Input, ElementRef, HostBinding, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';
declare var jQuery: any;
import 'owl-carousel';

  selector: 'owl-carousel',
  template: `<ng-content></ng-content>`

export class OwlCarouselComponent implements OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {
  @HostBinding('class') defaultClass = 'owl-carousel owl-theme';
  @Input() options: Object;

  $owlElement: any;
  defaultOptions: any = {};

  constructor(private elRef: ElementRef) { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    for (let key of Object.keys(this.options)) {
      this.defaultOptions[key] = this.options[key];

    this.$owlElement = jQuery(this.elRef.nativeElement).owlCarousel(this.defaultOptions);

  ngOnDestroy() {
    this.$owlElement = null;

以下是我在Chrome开发工具中看到的内容,Sample是带有图像名称的对象,Sample 3是带有图像的数组。

Here is what i see in Chrome Dev Tools, Sample is the object with the images names and Sample 3 is the array with the images.


And this are the images rendered. My images dont have the functionality of the owl carousel and are one under the other

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