Gson IllegalStateException

时间:2010-11-20 03:35:40

标签: android json gson

除了SharedPreferences和一些SQLite之外,基本上所有形式的存储,我都是一个菜鸟。我做了一些搜索,发现JSON + GSON是一种快速的方法,可以将对象及其字段解析为可存储的字符串。


public class Player {
    private int something_game_related = 1;
    private Skill equipped_skill;
    private Item equipped_weapon;

    public Player () {}


private class ItemSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Item> {
    public JsonElement serialize( Item src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context ) {
        return new JsonPrimitive(src.toString());
private class SkillSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Skill> {
    public JsonElement serialize( Skill src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context ) {
        return new JsonPrimitive(src.toString());

public void doSave() {
    GsonBuilder gson = new GsonBuilder();
    //Both custom classes have zero-arg constructors so we don't need to register those
    gson.registerTypeAdapter( Item.class, new ItemSerializer() );
    gson.registerTypeAdapter( Skill.class, new SkillSerializer() );
    Gson g = gson.create();
    String mPlayer = "";
    Type player = new TypeToken<Player>(){}.getType();
        mPlayer = g.toJson( GameView.mPlayer, player );   
 catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

我得到了这个例外:java.lang.IllegalStateException: How can the type variable not be present in the class declaration!



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您可以执行类似&#34; excludeFieldsWithModifier(Modifier.STATIC)&#34;在GSON构建器中包含它们。