
时间:2017-02-17 01:49:22

标签: vb.net rows dataview

我需要遍历DataView中的行,这样我就可以从行中获取数据或对象以添加到列表框中。这是我的DataView代码。如果用户输入的ID与" CustomerID"匹配,则RowFilter设置为仅提取行的数据。领域。如何遍历已添加的行以为行中的数据创建临时对象?

'create new table for storing incident data
        Dim incidentTable As DataView = CType(incidentsDataSource.Select(
        DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
        incidentTable.RowFilter = ("CustomerID = '" & custIDTextBox.Text & "'") 
        Dim incidentRow As DataRowView = incidentTable(0)

        'declare temporary incident and store all data in corresponding fields
        Dim incident As New Incident
        With incident
            .IncidentID = incidentRow("IncidentID").ToString
            .CustomerID = incidentRow("CustomerID").ToString
            .ProductCode = incidentRow("ProductCode").ToString
            .TechID = incidentRow("TechID").ToString
            .DateOpened = incidentRow("DateOpened").ToString
            .DateClosed = incidentRow("DateClosed").ToString
            .Title = incidentRow("Title").ToString
        End With

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For Each row As DataRowView In myDataView
    Dim name = CStr(row("Name"))