
时间:2017-02-16 06:27:31

标签: r machine-learning logistic-regression linear-discriminant




training = read.csv("train.csv")
testing = read.csv("test.csv")

model_glm <- glm(V1 ~.,family=binomial(link='logit'),data=training)
pred_glm <- predict(model_glm, testing)

model_lda <- lda(V1 ~ ., data=training)
predict_lda <- predict(model_lda, testing)

#Calculating classification error
err_lda <- (pred_lda) - test$V1
err2_lda <- err_lda[err_lda != 0]
classification_error_lda = length(err2_lda)/length(test$V1)

然而这些都行不通。我认为有一个多项式的家庭类,但似乎并不存在。此外,由于我的第一列是数字而下一个是灰度值,我认为我做V1 ~ .,但我认为这些情况也不正确。有没有人知道我的语法/设置是否错误?



(pred_lda)中的错误 - 测试$ V1:二元运算符的非数字参数

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


model_mlogit <- multinom(V1 ~ ., data = training, MaxNWts=2581)
predict_mlogit <- predict(model_mlogit, testing)
model_lda <- lda(V1 ~ ., data=training)
predict_lda <- predict(model_lda, testing)
# output 
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
         0 343   0   5   2   5   4   1   0   7   0
         1   0 254   1   0   2   1   0   0   0   0
         2   3   2 163   4   5   0   4   2   7   0
         3   2   1   6 145   1   7   0   3   3   1
         4   3   1   8   1 168   3   4   5   1   3
         5   2   0   1   8   2 137   4   0   9   1
         6   2   1   1   1   4   3 156   0   0   0
         7   3   1   5   2   1   0   0 132   4   2
         8   1   1   7   3   4   2   1   0 130   5
         9   0   3   1   0   8   3   0   5   5 165

Overall Statistics

               Accuracy : 0.8934         
                 95% CI : (0.879, 0.9065)
    No Information Rate : 0.1789         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      

                  Kappa : 0.8803         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA             

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: 0 Class: 1 Class: 2 Class: 3 Class: 4 Class: 5 Class: 6 Class: 7 Class: 8 Class: 9
Sensitivity            0.9554   0.9621  0.82323  0.87349  0.84000  0.85625  0.91765  0.89796  0.78313  0.93220
Specificity            0.9854   0.9977  0.98507  0.98696  0.98395  0.98538  0.99347  0.99032  0.98696  0.98634
Pos Pred Value         0.9346   0.9845  0.85789  0.85799  0.85279  0.83537  0.92857  0.88000  0.84416  0.86842
Neg Pred Value         0.9902   0.9943  0.98074  0.98857  0.98232  0.98752  0.99239  0.99192  0.98057  0.99340
Prevalence             0.1789   0.1315  0.09865  0.08271  0.09965  0.07972  0.08470  0.07324  0.08271  0.08819
Detection Rate         0.1709   0.1266  0.08122  0.07225  0.08371  0.06826  0.07773  0.06577  0.06477  0.08221
Detection Prevalence   0.1829   0.1286  0.09467  0.08421  0.09816  0.08171  0.08371  0.07474  0.07673  0.09467
Balanced Accuracy      0.9704   0.9799  0.90415  0.93023  0.91198  0.92082  0.95556  0.94414  0.88505  0.95927

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
         0 342   0   7   3   1   6   1   0   5   0
         1   0 251   2   0   4   0   0   1   0   0
         2   0   0 157   3   6   0   3   0   2   0
         3   4   2   4 142   0  16   0   2  11   0
         4   3   5  12   3 174   3   3   7   7   4
         5   1   0   2   9   0 125   3   0   4   0
         6   5   3   1   0   2   0 157   0   0   0
         7   0   0   1   1   2   0   0 129   0   5
         8   3   1  12   4   1   5   3   1 135   3
         9   1   2   0   1  10   5   0   7   2 165

Overall Statistics

               Accuracy : 0.8854         
                 95% CI : (0.8706, 0.899)
    No Information Rate : 0.1789         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      

                  Kappa : 0.8713         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA             

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: 0 Class: 1 Class: 2 Class: 3 Class: 4 Class: 5 Class: 6 Class: 7 Class: 8 Class: 9
Sensitivity            0.9526   0.9508  0.79293  0.85542  0.87000  0.78125  0.92353  0.87755  0.81325  0.93220
Specificity            0.9860   0.9960  0.99226  0.97882  0.97399  0.98971  0.99401  0.99516  0.98207  0.98470
Pos Pred Value         0.9370   0.9729  0.91813  0.78453  0.78733  0.86806  0.93452  0.93478  0.80357  0.85492
Neg Pred Value         0.9896   0.9926  0.97767  0.98686  0.98544  0.98121  0.99293  0.99037  0.98314  0.99338
Prevalence             0.1789   0.1315  0.09865  0.08271  0.09965  0.07972  0.08470  0.07324  0.08271  0.08819
Detection Rate         0.1704   0.1251  0.07823  0.07075  0.08670  0.06228  0.07823  0.06428  0.06726  0.08221
Detection Prevalence   0.1819   0.1286  0.08520  0.09018  0.11011  0.07175  0.08371  0.06876  0.08371  0.09616
Balanced Accuracy      0.9693   0.9734  0.89260  0.91712  0.92200  0.88548  0.95877  0.93636  0.89766  0.95845

<强> [编辑] 没有caret

# output
predict_mlogit   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
             0 343   0   5   2   5   4   1   0   7   0
             1   0 254   1   0   2   1   0   0   0   0
             2   3   2 163   4   5   0   4   2   7   0
             3   2   1   6 145   1   7   0   3   3   1
             4   3   1   8   1 168   3   4   5   1   3
             5   2   0   1   8   2 137   4   0   9   1
             6   2   1   1   1   4   3 156   0   0   0
             7   3   1   5   2   1   0   0 132   4   2
             8   1   1   7   3   4   2   1   0 130   5
             9   0   3   1   0   8   3   0   5   5 165
# accuracy
# [1] 0.8933732

# output
      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
  0 342   0   7   3   1   6   1   0   5   0
  1   0 251   2   0   4   0   0   1   0   0
  2   0   0 157   3   6   0   3   0   2   0
  3   4   2   4 142   0  16   0   2  11   0
  4   3   5  12   3 174   3   3   7   7   4
  5   1   0   2   9   0 125   3   0   4   0
  6   5   3   1   0   2   0 157   0   0   0
  7   0   0   1   1   2   0   0 129   0   5
  8   3   1  12   4   1   5   3   1 135   3
  9   1   2   0   1  10   5   0   7   2 165
# accuracy
# [1] 0.8854011