
时间:2017-02-15 16:24:00

标签: javascript flowtype

我希望有人可以帮助识别我在下面的类型中遗漏的内容。我创建了一个名为match的函数,它接受一个元组数组 在识别时,将执行匹配功能。例如:

type Fn1<A, B> = (a: A, ...rest: empty[]) => B;
declare export function match<A>(
  xs: Array<[Class<A>, (x: A) => mixed]>,
  ...rest: empty[]
): Fn1<A, mixed>;

describe('match', () => {
    class FileExists {}
    class FileDoesNotExist {}
    let matcher: (x: FileExists | FileDoesNotExist) => mixed;

    beforeEach(() => {
      const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
      const whenFileDoesNotExist = [FileDoesNotExist, (x: FileDoesNotExist) => x];
      matcher = match([whenFileExists, whenFileDoesNotExist]);

    it('should return an instance of whenFileDoesNotExist', () => {
      // Should invoke the function in the tuple containing the FileDoesNotExist class
      expect(matcher(new FileDoesNotExist()) instanceof FileDoesNotExist).toBe(true);


1406:     let matcher: (x: FileExists | FileDoesNotExist) => mixed;
                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileDoesNotExist. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1409:       const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^ FileExists

1406:     let matcher: (x: FileExists | FileDoesNotExist) => mixed;
                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileExists. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1412:         (x: FileDoesNotExist) => x
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileDoesNotExist

1409:       const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
                                    ^^^^^^^^^^ FileExists. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1412:         (x: FileDoesNotExist) => x
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileDoesNotExist

1409:       const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
                                                                   ^ FileExists. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1412:         (x: FileDoesNotExist) => x
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileDoesNotExist

1411:         FileDoesNotExist,
              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileDoesNotExist. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1409:       const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^ FileExists

1412:         (x: FileDoesNotExist) => x
                                       ^ FileDoesNotExist. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
1409:       const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^ FileExists


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

类型变量func createDate(stringDate: String) -> Date { let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy.MM.dd" return formatter.date(from: stringDate)! } func sumAmounts(_ data: [Item]) -> [Item] { var dict = [Double: Double]() data.forEach { item in let key = item.date.timeIntervalSince1970 var amount = dict[key] ?? 0 amount += item.amount dict[key] = amount } var newData = [Item]() for (key, val) in dict { newData.append(Item(date: Date.init(timeIntervalSince1970: key), amount: val)) } return newData } 必须在A内使用的任何位置解析为相同的类型,这会导致问题。



但这不起作用,因为type Existence = FileExists | FileDoesNotExist declare export function match( xs: Array<[Class<Existence>, (x: Existence) => mixed]>, ...rest: empty[] ): Fn1<Existence, mixed>; 不是一个类,所以Existence没有任何意义。



此处,declare export function match<A>( xs: Array<[Class<*>, (x: A) => mixed]>, ...rest: empty[] ): Fn1<*, mixed>; 将被解析为A,但在使用FileExists | FileDoesNotExist的每个地方,可以推断为*或{{1}根据用法。

除了在this blogpost之外,我没有记录在任何地方,所以我对它的语义并不是100%肯定。可能需要花一点时间才能完全正确使用。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


declare export function match<A>(
  xs: Array<[Class<*>, (x: A) => mixed]>,
  ...rest: empty[]
): Fn1<*, mixed>;

const whenFileExists = [FileExists, (x: FileExists) => x];
const whenFileDoesNotExist = [FileDoesNotExist, (x: string) => x];
matcher = fp.match([whenFileExists, whenFileDoesNotExist]);
(matcher(new FileDoesNotExist()): mixed);


declare export function match<A, B>(
  xs: [[Class<A>, (x: A) => mixed], [Class<B>, (x: B) => mixed]],
  ...rest: empty[]
): (x: A | B) => mixed;

declare export function match<A, B, C>(
  xs: [[Class<A>, (x: A) => mixed], [Class<B>, (x: B) => mixed], [Class<C>, (x: C) => mixed]],
  ...rest: empty[]
): (x: A | B | C) => mixed;


This type is incompatible with the expected param type of string: test.js:xx
