
时间:2017-02-13 23:28:32

标签: scala higher-kinded-types implicits

在下面的示例中,似乎Scala编译器仅在识别出隐式类时才识别scala> case class Nested(n: Int) defined class Nested scala> case class Wrapper[A <: Product](nested: A) defined class Wrapper scala> implicit class I1[W <: Wrapper[A], A <: Product](underlying: W) { | def ok1() = true | } defined class I1 scala> Wrapper(Nested(5)).ok1() <console>:26: error: value ok1 is not a member of Wrapper[Nested] Wrapper(Nested(5)).ok1() ^ scala> implicit class I2[W <: Wrapper[_]](underlying: W) { | def ok2() = true | } defined class I2 scala> Wrapper(Nested(5)).ok2() res1: Boolean = true 的高级表示。那是为什么?



注意:上面的示例将Wrappervar yourObject = { "Order Number":102541029, "Tracking Number":192048236154915, "Secondary Tracking":87350125235, "Items":[{ "SKU":"0200-02-01-NP-P-00", "QTY":4 }, { "SKU":"0120-02-01-XP-T-00", "QTY":2 }] }; var items = yourObject.Items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){ console.log(items[i].QTY); }显示为案例类,但这不是问题的组成部分。它只是为更简单,更简单的控制台会话提供便利。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



I1 is not a valid implicit value for Test.w.type => ?{def ok: ?} because:
inferred type arguments [Wrapper[Nested],Nothing] do not conform to method I1's type parameter bounds [W <: Wrapper[A],A <: Product]


scala> val w = Wrapper(Nested(5))
w: Wrapper[Nested] = Wrapper(Nested(5))

scala> new I1(w)
<console>:21: error: inferred type arguments [Wrapper[Nested],Nothing] do not conform to class I1's type parameter bounds [W <: Wrapper[A],A <: Product]
       new I1(w)
<console>:21: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Wrapper[Nested]
 required: W
       new I1(w)



implicit class I1[A <: Product](underlying: Wrapper[A]) {
  def ok = true

如果您仍然希望需要两个类型参数,还可以要求隐式证据W <:< Wrapper[A],同时删除类型参数W的上限:

implicit class I1[W, A <: Product](underlying: W)(implicit ev: W <:< Wrapper[A]) {
  def ok = true

答案 1 :(得分:1)


由于您编写隐式类的方式,看起来您希望隐式类适用于Wrapper的所有子类型,并且具有尽可能涉及的所有类型的特定信息。 (99%的情况下扩展案例类是一个坏主意,但这是可能的,这些技巧也适用于非案例类。)


scala> trait Foo[A]; trait Bar extends Foo[Int]
defined trait Foo
defined trait Bar

scala> implicitly[Bar with Foo[Int] =:= Bar]
res0: =:=[Bar with Foo[Int],Bar] = <function1>


implicit class I1[Y, A <: Product](underlying: Y with Wrapper[A]) {
  def ok1(): (Y, A) = ???


scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

case class Nested(n: Int)
case class Wrapper[A <: Product](nested: A)
class Crazy(override val nested: Nested) extends Wrapper[Nested](nested)

implicit class I1[Y, A <: Product](underlying: Y with Wrapper[A]) {
  def ok1(): (Y, A) = ???

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

scala> :type Wrapper(Nested(5)).ok1()
(Wrapper[Nested], Nested)

scala> :type new Crazy(Nested(5)).ok1()
(Crazy, Nested)

请注意,Michael给出的最后一个解决方案基于相同的事情:通过将上限移动到隐式参数列表,A现在存在于值参数列表中,并且可以由编译器推断。 / p>