F# - 大写列表中的第一个字符串

时间:2017-02-11 21:42:59

标签: f# functional-programming


template<typename T>
class D:
    D(const T* t): m_t(t) {};
    int doThat(void) { return m_t->num(); };

    T* m_t;

A ar[2] = { A(1), A(2) };
B l(ar, 2);
C<B> j(&l);


let strList = ["are"; "you"; "hungry"]

let rec add l = match l with
                |[] -> ["?"]
                |x::xs -> x::(add xs)

add strList

关于如何在递归函数["are"; "you"; "hungry"; "?"] 中将are中的第一个字母更改为Are,是否有任何想法?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


open System

let strList = ["are"; "you"; "hungry"]

let add l =
  let rec add l =
    match l with
    | [] -> ["?"]
    | x::xs -> x::(add xs)

  let upper (s: string) =
    s |> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> match i with | 0 -> (Char.ToUpper(c)) | _ -> c)  |> String.Concat

  match l with 
  | [] -> add l
  | x :: xs -> (upper x) :: (add xs)

add strList


val strList : string list = ["are"; "you"; "hungry"]
val add : l:string list -> string list
val it : string list = ["Are"; "you"; "hungry"; "?"]