
时间:2017-02-10 16:46:31

标签: r stata



reshape wide generalfund student_body_fund debt_fund capital_fund transport_fund, ///
i(district) j(header) string


(note: j = Begin. T. Fund Balance End T. Fund Balance Excess levies Net Excess Levy O. Fin
> ance--G.L. 535 O. Finance--Transfer out Over/Under Expend Rollback Total Appropriation T
> otal Revenues)
(note: no data for header == Begin.)
(note: no data for header == T.)
(note: no data for header == Fund)
(note: no data for header == Balance)
(note: no data for header == End)
(note: no data for header == T.)
(note: no data for header == Fund)
(note: no data for header == Balance)
(note: no data for header == Excess)
(note: no data for header == levies)
(note: no data for header == Net)
(note: no data for header == Excess)
(note: no data for header == Levy)
(note: no data for header == O.)
(note: no data for header == Finance--G.L.)
(note: no data for header == 535)
(note: no data for header == O.)
(note: no data for header == Finance--Transfer)
(note: no data for header == out)
(note: no data for header == Over/Under)
(note: no data for header == Expend)
(note: no data for header == Total)
(note: no data for header == Appropriation)
(note: no data for header == Total)
(note: no data for header == Revenues)

Data                               long   ->   wide
Number of obs.                     2950   ->     295
Number of variables                   8   ->       7
j variable (1 values)            header   ->   (dropped)
xij variables:
                            generalfund   ->   generalfundRollback
                      student_body_fund   ->   student_body_fundRollback
                              debt_fund   ->   debt_fundRollback
                           capital_fund   ->   capital_fundRollback
                         transport_fund   ->   transport_fundRollback

为什么说标题没有数据?我认为header=="Total Revenues"header=="Rollback"之间没有区别,这是唯一重塑的价值。


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