我正在编写一个小型时钟应用程序,我想要一个干净的时间输入。我不想使用原生类型="时间"元素因浏览器不一致而输入=" number"不允许冒号。所以我决定使用 type =" text" 并编写格式规则,将文本输入限制为有效的时钟时间。
它必须在用户输入时工作,并在他们去的时格式化它们的文本。我的规则有效,但是 if 和正则表达式的集群。我是新手,所以我假设我做了很多事情。您能想到更清洁或更有效的方法来实现相同的结果吗?
let ele = document.getElementById("wut");
let global = {};
global.dayNight = false; // 12 Hour or 24 Hour clock
document.getElementById("wut").addEventListener('keydown', filterTimeInput);
document.getElementById("wut").addEventListener('blur', cancel);
function submitInput() {
if (!ele.value.match(/:/)) { // in the event they typed 3 numbers and left out the ":"
ele.value = ele.value.slice(0, -2) +":"+ ele.value.slice(-2)
function cancel() {
ele.value = "";
function filterTimeInput(evt) {
let key; key = evt.key;
if (key === "Enter") { submitInput(); }
if (key === "Escape") { cancel(); }
if (key.length === 1) { // Exclude non number characteres. I avoided a [^] match to leave operational keys enabled.
if(key.match(/[A-Za-z\s\.\\\+\*\?\^\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\/\-&~!@#%`="><_',;]|Decimal|Multiply|Add|Divide|Subtract|Seperator/)) evt.preventDefault();
if (ele.value.match(/:/)) { // Prevents users from typing ":" twice, or from typing 3 digits of minutes
if(key.match(/:/)) evt.preventDefault();
if(ele.value.match(/:[0-9]{2}/)) {
if(key.match(/[0-9]/)) evt.preventDefault();
if (global.dayNight) { // 24 hour clock
if (ele.value.length === 0) { // first number should be 1, 2 or counted as earlier than 10:00
if (key.match(/[3-9]/)) {
ele.value = "0" + key + ":";
} else if (key.match(/:/)) { // If they type a ":" first thing
ele.value = "00" + key;
} else if (ele.value.length === 1) { // If the first number was a 2, the second number should be less than 4
if (ele.value === "2") {
if (key.match(/[5-9]/)) {
ele.value += "0:" + key;
else if (global.dayNight === false) { // 12 hour clock
if (ele.value.length === 0) { // First number should be 0 or 1, or counted as earlier than 10:00
if (key.match(/[2-9]/)) {
ele.value = "0" + key + ":";
} else if (key.match(/:/)) { // If they type a ":" first thing
ele.value = "00" + key;
} else if (ele.value === "1") { // Second number following a 1 should less than 3 or treated as minutes
if (key.match(/[3-9]/)) {
ele.value += "0:" + key;
if (ele.value.match(/:$/)) { // Prevents a number greater than 5 following a ":"
if (key.match(/[6-9]/)) {
ele.value += "0" + key;
if (ele.value.match(/[0-9]{3}/)) { // If a user types 4 numbers without a ":" then adds ":" for them.
if (key.match(/[0-9]/)) {
ele.value = ele.value.slice(0,2) + ":" + ele.value.slice(2,3) + key