
时间:2017-02-09 22:12:17

标签: go concurrency goroutine


type ec2Params struct {
    sess *session.Session
    region string

type cloudwatchParams struct {
    cl cloudwatch.CloudWatch
    id string
    metric string
    region string

type request struct {

// Control concurrency and sync
var maxRoutines = 128
var sem chan bool
var req chan request

func main() {
    sem := make(chan bool, maxRoutines)
    for i := 0; i < maxRoutines; i++ {
        sem <- true
    req := make(chan request)
    go func() { // This is my the producer
        for _, arn := range arns {
            arnCreds := startSession(arn)
            for _, region := range regions {
                sess, err := session.NewSession(
                if err != nil {
                    failOnError(err, "Can't assume role")
                req <- request{ec2Params: ec2Params{ **** }}
    for f := range(req) {
        <- sem
        if (ec2Params{}) != f.ec2Params {
            go getEC2Metrics(****)
        } else {
            // I should be excercising this line of code too, 
            // but I'm not :(
            go getMetricFromCloudwatch(****) 
        sem <- true


func getMetricFromCloudwatch(cl cloudwatch.CloudWatch, id, metric, region string) {
    // Magic

func getEC2Metrics(sess *session.Session, region string) {
    ec := ec2.New(sess)
    var ids []string
    l, err := ec.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{})
    if err != nil {
    } else {
        for _, rsv := range l.Reservations {
            for _, inst := range rsv.Instances {
                ids = append(ids, *inst.InstanceId)
        metrics := cfg.AWSMetric.Metric
        if len(ids) >= 0 {
            cl := cloudwatch.New(sess)
            for _, id := range ids{
                for _, metric := range metrics {
                    // For what I can tell, execution get stuck here
                    req <- request{ cloudwatchParams: ***** }}

maingetEC2Metrics中的匿名制作人都应该异步地将数据发布到req,但到目前为止,似乎发布到频道的任何getEC2Metrics都不会被处理。 看起来有些东西阻止我从goroutine中发布,但我还没有找到任何东西。我很想知道如何解决这个问题并产生这种行为(这是一个实际工作的信号量)。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// Control concurrency and sync
var maxRoutines = 128
var sem chan bool
var req chan request // Not reachable inside getEC2Metrics

func getEC2Metrics(sess *session.Session, region string, req chan <- request ) {
            for _, id := range ids{
                for _, metric := range metrics {
                    req <- request{ **** }} // When using the global req, 
                                            // this would block

func main() {
    sem := make(chan bool, maxRoutines)
    for i := 0; i < maxRoutines; i++ {
        sem <- true    
    req := make(chan request)
    go func() {
        // Producing tasks
    for f := range(req) {
        <- sem // checking out tickets outside the goroutine does block 
               //outside of the goroutine
        go func() {
            defer func() { sem <- true }()
            if (ec2Params{}) != f.ec2Params {
                getEC2Metrics(****, req) // somehow sending the channel makes
                                         // possible to publish to it
            } else {


  1. 信号量没有锁定(我认为这是因为我正在检查并且在goroutine中的令牌中,所以可能存在竞争条件。)
  2. 出于某种原因,getEC2Metrics没有正确处理全局频道请求,因此在试图发布到显然在范围内的频道时,它会让goroutine陷入困境,但事实并非如此(我真的不知道为什么。)
  3. 我老实说第二项运气真的很幸运,到目前为止我还没有找到任何有关这个怪癖的文档,但最后我很高兴它能够正常工作。