我在eclipse中执行代码时遇到此问题,下面是我的代码。我只创建了两个get和put方法。 get()方法工作正常put()显示错误消息。
.put('/:employeeId/update',function(req, res) {
// Get our REST or form values. These rely on the "name" attributes
var empName = req.body.empname;
var empSalary = req.body.salary;
var empId = req.params.employeeId;
console.log("Emp Name::"+empName);
//find the document by ID
mongoose.model('Employee').findOne({"empid":empId}, function (err, employee) {
//update it
empname : empName,
empsalary : empSalary,
}, function (err, empid) {
if (err) {
res.send("There was a problem updating the information to the database: " + err);
else {
//HTML responds by going back to the page or you can be fancy and create a new view that shows a success page.
html: function(){
res.redirect("/blobs/" + employee.empid);
//JSON responds showing the updated values
json: function(){