
时间:2017-02-07 12:33:37

标签: c++ opencv templates generics types


我有一个函数,它读取(二进制)文件并将内容提供给openCV图像。目前该文件始终是" unsigned char"数据类型,但我想扩展对其他数据类型的支持。最好作为函数的参数。

我对C ++不是很有经验,但在谷歌搜索后感觉就像应该用模板做的事情,但我真的不确定如何实现它。

cv::Mat ReadImage(const char * filename, int dataTypeSize, int imageWidth)
    auto read_image = fopen(filename, "rb");

    if (read_image == nullptr)
        printf("Image Not Found\n");
        return cv::Mat();

    fseek(read_image, 0, SEEK_END);
    int fileLen = ftell(read_image);
    fseek(read_image, 0, SEEK_SET);

    auto pre_image = static_cast<unsigned char *>(malloc(fileLen));
    auto data = fread(pre_image, 1, fileLen, read_image);

    // Printed and verify the values
    //printf("File Size %d\n", fileLen);
    //printf("Read bytes %zd\n", data);

    auto width = imageWidth;
    auto height = fileLen / dataTypeSize / imageWidth;


    vector<unsigned char> buffer(pre_image, pre_image + data);

    auto img = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_64F, pre_image);

    //printf("Image rows %d\n", img.rows);
    //printf("Image cols %d\n", img.cols);

    return img;

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cv::Mat ReadImage(const char * filename, int dataTypeSize, int imageWidth, int type)

    . . .

    auto img = cv::Mat(height, width, type, pre_image);
    return img;

auto mat = ReadImage("abc", 8, 1000, CV_32S);