
时间:2017-02-04 19:40:43

标签: python hadoop mapreduce matrix-multiplication

如果我有表格的输入 ((0, 1), A 0 0.0), ((0, 2), A 0 0.0), ((0, 0), A 0 0.0)其中(0,1) , (0,2), (0,0)是键,如何将它们分成多个键值对。


(0,1) , A 0 0 0.0
(0,2) , A 0 0 0.0
(0,0) , A 0 0 0.0 


import sys
import string
import numpy
import re

#number of columns of A/rows of B
n = int(sys.argv[1])

#Create data structures to hold the current row/column values (if needed; your code goes here)

currentkey = None
# input comes from STDIN (stream data that goes to the program)
for line in sys.stdin:
    #Remove leading and trailing whitespace
    #line = line.strip().replace("(","").replace(")","")
    #re.sub(r"[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", line)
    #line = line.strip().translate(None, "()")
    line = line.strip()

    #''.join(line.translate(string.maketrans("()[]"," "*4)).split(' ')[::2])


    #Get key/value
    key, value = line.split('\t',1)

    print ("key: " + str(key))
    print ("Value: " + str(value))
    #Parse key/value input (your code goes here)
    # for val in value:
    #   if val[0] == "A":
    #       list_a.append(val)
    #       print(list_a)
    #   else:
    #       list_b.append(val)
    #       print(list_b)

    #If we are still on the same key...
    if key==currentkey:

        #Process key/value pair (your code goes here)
        for a in list_a:
            #remove first two elems so that we're left with value
            a = a[2:]
        result_a = list(map(int,result_a))
        for b in list_b:
            b = b[2:]
        result_b = list(map(int, result_b))
        #multiply result_a and result_b for current key
        result_ab = [a*b for a,b in zip(result_a,result_b)]
        finalResult = sum(result_ab)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


((0, 1), A 0 0.0)是一个元组,您可以按tuple[0]tuple[1]等方式访问元组中的值...请参阅more examples here


finalData = dataRDD.map(lambda line : str(line[0]) + "," + line[1])

<强> 测试:

>>> data = [((0, 1), 'A 0 0.0'), ((0, 2), 'A 0 0.0'), ((0, 0), 'A 0 0.0')]
>>> dataRDD = sc.parallelize(data)
>>> for i in dataRDD.collect():
...     print(i)
((0, 1), 'A 0 0.0')
((0, 2), 'A 0 0.0')
((0, 0), 'A 0 0.0')
>>> finalData = dataRDD.map(lambda line : str(line[0]) + "," + line[1])
>>> for i in finalData.collect():
...     print(i)
(0, 1),A 0 0.0
(0, 2),A 0 0.0
(0, 0),A 0 0.0
>>> finalData.saveAsTextFile('/user/cloudera/test123')
$ hadoop fs -cat /user/cloudera/test123/*
(0, 1),A 0 0.0
(0, 2),A 0 0.0
(0, 0),A 0 0.0

答案 1 :(得分:0)


tup = ((0, 1), 'A 0 0.0'), ((0, 2), 'A 0 0.0'), ((0, 0), 'A 0 0.0')
A = []
B = []
for each in tup:
    (x,y),z = each