data Product = Product String Int
let apple = Product "Apple" 15
let pineapple = Product "Pineapple" 20
let products = [apple, pineapple]
在传统的命令式编程中,这很简单,例如我可以使用不同的计算策略。 我怎样才能在Haskell中解决这个问题?我应该使用State monad还是有其他解决方案?你能提供一些算法步骤或代码吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
totalPriceWithBuy2ApplesGet1HalfOff :: [Product] -> Int
totalPriceWithBuy2ApplesGet1HalfOff = go 0
-- It doesn't matter how many apples you've seen, the total
-- price of 0 items is 0
go applesSeen [] = 0
-- If you've seen 2 apples already and the next product is
-- an Apple, give discount
go 2 (Product "Apple" price : products) =
price `div` 2 + go 0 products
-- If applesSeen is some other number and you encounter an apple,
-- add its price and increment applesSeen
go applesSeen (Product "Apple" price : products) =
price + go (applesSeen + 1) products
-- For any other product just add the price to the total and recurse
go applesSeen (Product _ price : products) =
price + go applesSeen products