这是interview question。 “你如何确定是否有人在任何规模的棋盘上赢得了一场井字游戏?”我听说算法复杂度为O(1)。是否有意义 ?任何人都可以解释算法吗?
答案 0 :(得分:34)
答案 1 :(得分:19)
假设您有3x3网格。创建大小为2 * 3 + 2的分数数组,其中包含以下 [row1,row2,row3,col1,col2,col3,diag1,diag2] 的分数。当然不要忘记用0初始化它。
得分[row] + = point; //其中point为+1或-1
得分[gridSize + col] + =指向;
if(row == col)得分[2 * gridSize] + =点数;
if(gridSize - 1 - col == row)得分[2 * gridSize + 1] + = point;
class TicTacToe {
const PLAYER1 = 'X';
const PLAYER1_POINT = 1;
const PLAYER2 = 'O';
const PLAYER2_POINT = -1; // must be the opposite of PLAYER1_POINT
const BLANK = '';
* Level size.
private $gridSize;
* Level data.
* Two dimensional array of size GRID_SIZE x GRID_SIZE.
* Each player move is stored as either 'X' or 'O'
private $grid;
* Score array that tracks score for rows, cols and diagonals.
* e.g. for 3x3 grid [row1, row2, row3, col1, col2, col3, diag1, diag2]
private $score;
* Avaialable moves count for current game.
private $movesLeft = 0;
* Winner of the game.
private $winner = null;
public function __construct($size = 3) {
$this->gridSize = $size;
$this->grid = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->gridSize; ++$i) {
$this->grid[$i] = array_fill(0, $this->gridSize, self::BLANK);
$this->score = array_fill(0, 2*$this->gridSize + 2, 0);
$this->movesLeft = $this->gridSize * $this->gridSize;
$this->winner = null;
public function getWinner() {
return $this->winner;
public function displayGrid() {
for ($row = 0; $row < $this->gridSize; ++$row) {
for ($col = 0; $col < $this->gridSize; ++$col) {
if (self::BLANK == $this->grid[$row][$col]) $this->display(' ');
else $this->display($this->grid[$row][$col].' ');
public function play(MoveInput $input) {
$this->display("NEW GAME\n");
$nextPlayer = self::PLAYER1;
$done = false;
while(!$done) {
$move = $input->getNextMove($nextPlayer);
if (NULL == $move) {
$this->display("ERROR! NO MORE MOVES\n");
$error = false;
$this->makeMove($move['player'], $move['row'], $move['col'], $error);
if ($error) {
$this->display("INVALID MOVE! Please try again.\n");
$nextPlayer = ($nextPlayer == self::PLAYER1) ? self::PLAYER2 : self::PLAYER1;
$done = $this->checkScore();
private function makeMove($player, $row, $col, &$error) {
$error = false;
if (!$this->isValidMove($row, $col) || self::BLANK != $this->grid[$row][$col]) {
$error = true;
$this->grid[$row][$col] = $player;
$point = 0;
if (self::PLAYER1 == $player) $point = self::PLAYER1_POINT;
if (self::PLAYER2 == $player) $point = self::PLAYER2_POINT;
$this->score[$row] += $point;
$this->score[$this->gridSize + $col] += $point;
if ($row == $col) $this->score[2*$this->gridSize] += $point;
if ($this->gridSize - 1 - $col == $row) $this->score[2*$this->gridSize + 1] += $point;
private function checkScore() {
if (0 == $this->movesLeft) {
$this->display("game is a DRAW\n");
return true;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->score); ++$i) {
if ($this->player1TargetScore() == $this->score[$i]) {
$this->display("player 1 WIN\n");
$this->winner = self::PLAYER1;
return true;
if ($this->player2TargetScore() == $this->score[$i]) {
$this->display("player 2 WIN\n");
$this->winner = self::PLAYER2;
return true;
return false;
private function isValidMove($row, $col) {
return (0 <= $row && $row < $this->gridSize) &&
(0 <= $col && $col < $this->gridSize);
private function player1TargetScore() {
return $this->gridSize * self::PLAYER1_POINT;
private function player2TargetScore() {
return $this->gridSize * self::PLAYER2_POINT;
private function display($string) {
echo $string;
interface MoveInput {
public function getNextMove($player);
class QueuedMoveInput implements MoveInput {
private $moves;
public function __construct($movesArray) {
$this->moves = $movesArray;
public function getNextMove($player) {
return array_shift($this->moves);
class InteractiveMoveInput implements MoveInput {
public function getNextMove($player) {
while(true) {
echo "Please enter next move for player $player: [row,col] ";
$line = trim(fgets(STDIN));
list($row, $col) = sscanf($line, "%D,%D");
if (is_numeric($row) && is_numeric($col)) {
return array('player' => $player, 'row' => $row, 'col' => $col);
// helpers
function p1($row, $col) {
return array('player' => TicTacToe::PLAYER1, 'row' => $row, 'col' => $col);
function p2($row, $col) {
return array('player' => TicTacToe::PLAYER2, 'row' => $row, 'col' => $col);
// TESTING!!!!! ;]
// GAME 1 - testing diagonal (0,0) -> (2,2) win condition
$game = new TicTacToe();
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p1(1,1), p2(0,1), p1(2,0), p2(0,2), p1(0,0), p2(1,0), p1(2,2), p2(2,1)));
assert($game->getWinner() == TicTacToe::PLAYER1);
// GAME 2 - using invalid move, testing straight line (0,0) -> (0,2) win condition
$game = new TicTacToe();
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p1(1,1), p2(1,1), p2(2,0), p1(2,1), p2(0,1), p1(2,2), p2(0,0), p1(1,0), p2(0,2)));
assert($game->getWinner() == TicTacToe::PLAYER2);
// GAME 3 - testing draw condition
$game = new TicTacToe();
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p1(1,1), p2(2, 2), p1(1,2), p2(1,0), p1(2,0), p2(0,2), p1(0,1), p2(2,1), p1(0,0)));
assert($game->getWinner() == NULL);
// GAME 4 - testing diagonal (2,0) -> (0,2) win condition
$game = new TicTacToe();
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p1(2,0), p2(1, 2), p1(0,2), p2(2,2), p1(0,1), p2(0,0), p1(1,1)));
assert($game->getWinner() == TicTacToe::PLAYER1);
// GAME 5 - testing straight line (0,0) -> (2,0) win condition
$game = new TicTacToe();
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p2(1,1), p1(0,0), p2(0,2), p1(2,0), p2(2,1), p1(1,0)));
assert($game->getWinner() == TicTacToe::PLAYER1);
// GAME 6 - 5x5 grid, testing diagonal (0,0) -> (4,4) win condition
$game = new TicTacToe(5);
$moves = new QueuedMoveInput(array(p1(1,1), p2(0,1), p1(2,0), p2(0,2), p1(0,0), p2(1,0), p1(2,2), p2(4,2), p1(3,3), p2(4,3), p1(4,4)));
assert($game->getWinner() == TicTacToe::PLAYER1);
// GAME 7 - Interactive game.
$game = new TicTacToe();
$game->play(new InteractiveMoveInput());
答案 2 :(得分:5)
将n * n板状态视为单个整数B.为此,将位置(x,y)处的单个单元c表示为整数,其中 = 0表示O,{{3} } = 1表示X,
= 2表示空单元格。
我提供的编码可以紧凑地表示任何n * n tic-tac-toe板配置,包括在正常播放中无法到达的位置。但是,您可以使用任何您喜欢的独特电路板编码方法,例如字符串或数组,只要您将电路板表示解释为一个长的,唯一的整数,索引到预先计算的解决方案表中。我在这里提供了一个这样的,但还存在许多其他的。
有趣的是,如果你有足够的记忆力,你也可以在这一点上查找问题的答案,例如当前游戏是否通过完美游戏获胜或失败,哪个移动是理想的位置,如果游戏是保证赢或输,赢或输有多少最大移动。重要的是,这种技术用于计算机国际象棋;每个人使用的查找表称为perfect hash function。
将tic-tac-toe推广到任何规模的棋盘,其中连续获得k石的玩家获胜,被称为Nalimov tablebase,并且有许多关于此类游戏的有趣证据。
答案 3 :(得分:2)
我在编程采访中也被问到了这个问题。 “鉴于一个井字游戏板,如何检查此举是在CONSTANT时间内取得的胜利”
所以说让我们从一个简单的3×3 tic - tac toe board开始,在板上放一个对应于每个块的数字 123 456 789
So when player_1 puts a X on a square, he will get the corresponding
number into his number list
When player_2 puts a O on a square, he will also get the corresponding
number into his number list.
At the end of every round, look through the Hash table to see if any
of the two players have the winning combination
答案 4 :(得分:1)
我写过a blog post for this question。
要点是你跟踪游戏进度中每行/每列放置了多少X + 2对角线。
答案 5 :(得分:1)
class Solution {
public String tictactoe(int[][] moves) {
boolean startValidating = false;
int[][] matrix = new int[3][3]; //if you want to try for 4 by 4 change to [4][5]
for (int i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
if (i > (matrix.length - 2) * 2 + 1) { //start validating only after after 5th move in 3x3, since no way there is a possibility to win, this improve efficiency by unnecessary validation untile first 4 moves
startValidating = true;
if (i % 2 == 0) { //even case 1st candidate starts
matrix[moves[i][0]][moves[i][1]] = 'x';
if (startValidating) {
if (checkAllRowSame(matrix) || checkAllColumnSame(matrix) || checkAllDiagonalSame(matrix))
//check all row, all column, all diagonal tic tac toe possibility win for first candidate A
return Character.toString('A');
} else { //odd case second candidate starts
matrix[moves[i][0]][moves[i][1]] = '0';
if (startValidating) {
if (checkAllRowSame(matrix) || checkAllColumnSame(matrix) || checkAllDiagonalSame(matrix))
//check all row, all column, all diagonal tic tac toe possibility win for first candidate B
return Character.toString('B');
if (moves.length == matrix.length * matrix.length) //if all the moves completed, there is no one win, it becomes draw
return "Draw";
return "Pending"; //if less number of moves, unable to decide winner
private static boolean checkAllRowSame(int[][] matrix) {
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
boolean flag = true;
for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length - 1; j++) {
if ((!(matrix[i][j] == 0 || matrix[i][j + 1] == 0)) && flag) { //skip if any one of them is not filled
flag = flag && (matrix[i][j] == matrix[i][j + 1]); // set to false in case of not equal, proceed to next row validation by skipping remaining items in the row
} else {
flag = false;
if (flag)
return true;
return false;
private static boolean checkAllColumnSame(int[][] matrix) {
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
boolean flag = true;
for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length - 1; j++) {
if ((!(matrix[j][i] == 0 || matrix[j + 1][i] == 0)) && flag) { //skip if any one of them is not filled
flag = flag && (matrix[j][i] == matrix[j + 1][i]); // set to false in case of not equal, proceed to next col validation by skipping remaining items in the col
} else {
flag = false;
if (flag)
return true;
return false;
private static boolean checkAllDiagonalSame(int[][] matrix) {
boolean flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length - 1; i++) {
if ((!(matrix[i][i] == 0 || matrix[i + 1][i + 1] == 0)) && flag) { //skip if any one of them is not filled
flag = flag && (matrix[i][i] == matrix[i + 1][i + 1]); // set to false in case of not equal, proceed to right to left diagonal in the below for loop
} else {
flag = false;
if (!flag)
if (flag)
return true;
flag = true;
for (int i = 0, j = matrix.length - 1; i < matrix.length - 1 && j > 0; i++, j--) {
if ((!(matrix[i][j] == 0 || matrix[i + 1][j - 1] == 0)) && flag) {
flag = flag && (matrix[i][j] == matrix[i + 1][j - 1]);
} else {
flag = false;
if (!flag)
if (flag)
return true;
return flag;
答案 6 :(得分:1)
解决 n*n 井字游戏,测试获胜者。
n*2+2 组合赢得任何游戏,其中 x 或 o 必须连续 n
我们知道,如果玩家选择边缘或对角线上的任何一个方格,他们有三种获胜的机会,如果(n 为奇数,中间一个将有 5 种获胜方式(概率最高),其余任何两个方格都有两种获胜方式) .
**为了让玩家获胜,他们必须在对角线上至少选择一个位置(这只能从 n^2 个可能的结果中给我们 (n2+2) 个。 让我们记录 (n2+2)
假设 x 先选择第一行,o 选择第一行 n 将被记录在获胜表中
第一行(侧面、向下、对角线) 侧面意味着(第一行第一,第一行第二......到第一行第n个框) 向下表示(第一行第一,第二行第一......到第n行第一个框) 对角线表示(第一行第一,第二行第二……到第n行第n)
x....o(现在你可以从下一轮忽略这一行,因为赢 x 或 y 需要 n 个连续的 x 或 o)
Side 表示(第二行第一,第二行第二......到第二行第n个框) 向下表示(第一行第二,第二行第二......到第n行第二)
第N行(侧面,向上) Up(nth row nth, nth-1row nth....first row nth)
第一行第n(对角线) 这个是(第一排第n,第二排第n-1….第n排第一)
第三排(侧面,向下) .
重复这一轮(第一个填满上一行的人获胜) 即(第一行(边),我们不必从第二轮检查这个,因为它有 x 或 o。
答案 7 :(得分:-2)
class TicTacToe
//No time for test case
int[,] board = null;
int diag = 0;
int antiDiag = 0;
int[] rows = null;
int[] cols = null;
int diagonalLen = 0;
public TicTacToe(int rowLen, int colLen)
board = new int[rowLen, colLen];
rows = new int[rowLen];
cols = new int[colLen];
if (rowLen == colLen)
diag = (int)(rowLen * Math.Sqrt(2));//Square formula
diagonalLen = (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(rowLen, 2) + Math.Pow(colLen, 2));//rectangle formula
public bool hasWon(int rowIdx, int colIdx, int player)
if (player == 1)
if (rowIdx == colIdx) diag++;
if (rowIdx + colIdx == rows.Length - 1) antiDiag++;//This is IMPORTANT finding.............
if (rowIdx == colIdx) diag--;
if (rowIdx + colIdx == rows.Length - 1) antiDiag--;
return diag == diagonalLen || rows[rowIdx] == rows.Length || cols[colIdx] == cols.Length || antiDiag == diagonalLen;
public void markOnBoard(int row, int col, int player)
if (player == 1)
board[row, col]++;
board[row, col]--;