Python 2 - 如何修复TypeError:需要一个整数(得到类型str)

时间:2017-02-01 06:34:56

标签: python save



  File "C:\Users\user\Downloads\", line 13, in <module>
    with open('objs.pickle', "latin1", "r") as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'r')
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)


# python C:\Users\user\Downloads\                                       #   
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #
import datetime
import time
from random import randint
import pickle
user_input = input ("Would you like to continue your save? (1=Yes) (2=No)")
if int(user_input) == 1:
    with open('objs.pickle', "latin1", "r") as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'r')
        money = pickle.load(f)
    start = 1
    timer2 = 0
    now =
    timer = ('{0}{1}'.format(now.hour, now.minute))
    hunger = 10
    thirst = 10
    energy = 10
    drinks = 0
    foods = 0
    money = 0
    plan = 150
    drink = 1
    food = 1.25
    wanted = 0
    gun = 0

print ("Chapter 1")
print ("The Big City")
print ("You lost your brother recently and are very sad about it but something about his death bugs you the doctors told you that he died of a heart attack but you dont belive this and think he was murdered he used to write in a diary and he would keep it with him whenever he went to Mcdonalds You decide to move to the Big City")
def Eat():
        global money, plan, drink, food, drinks, foods, wanted, gun
        print (" ")
        print (" Hello welcome to Mcdonald's how may I help you")
        print ("\r Type 1 for food")
        print ("\r Type 2 for drinks")
        print ("\r Type 3 for money")
        user_input = input ("\r Type 4 to walk over to the shady guy")
        print (" ")
        if int(user_input) == 1:
            print (" ")
            print (" We have Hamburgers, fries, and cancer")
            print ("\r Type 1 for hamburgers")
            print ("\r Type 2 for fries")
            user_input = input ("\r Type 3 cancer")
            print (" ")
            if int(user_input) == 1:
                print (" ")
                print (" That will cost you $1.25")
                print ("\r Type 1 to pay")
                user_input = input ("Type 2 to steal")
                print (" ")
                if int(user_input) == 1:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("Thank you for comming")
                    money = float(money) - float(food)
                    print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
                    print (" ")
                foods = float(foods) + (1)
                if int(user_input) == 2:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("HEY COME BACK AND PAY!")
                    wanted = float(wanted) + (1) 
                    print('Your wanted level is now {0}'.format(wanted))
                    print (" ")
            elif int(user_input) == 2:
                print (" ")
                print ("Potato!")
                print (" ")
            elif int(user_input) == 3:
                print (" ")
                print ("Sorry we are out of cancer")
                print (" ")
        elif int(user_input) == 2:
            print (" ")
            print ("We have Coke, and Pepsi")
            print ("Type 1 for Coke")
            user_input = input ("Type 2 for Pepsi")
            print (" ")
            if int(user_input) == 1:
                print (" ")
                print ("COKE SUCKS NO DRINKS FOR YOU!!!!!")
                print (" ")
            elif int(user_input) == 2:
                print (" ")
                print ("Nice I LOVE Pepsi Coke sucks that will cost you $1.00")
                print ("Type 1 to pay")
                user_input = input ("Type 2 to steal")
                print (" ")
                if int(user_input) == 1:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("Thank you for comming")
                    print (" ")
                    money = float(money) - float(drink)
                    print (" ")
                    print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
                    print (" ")
                elif int(user_input) == 2:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("HEY COME BACK AND PAY!")
                    wanted = float(wanted) + (1) 
                    print('Your wanted level is now {0}'.format(wanted))
                    print (" ")
                drinks = float(drinks) + (1)
        elif int(user_input) == 3:
            print (" ")
            print ("So heres the plan you take the register ill destract the others.")
            user_input = input ("Type 1 to do the plan")
            print (" ")
            if int(user_input) == 1:
                plan = (randint(1,20))
                money = float(money) + float(plan)
                print (" ")
                print('You got {0} Dollars for doing the plan'.format(plan))
                print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
                wanted = float(wanted) + (1) 
                print('Your wanted level is now {0}'.format(wanted))
                print (" ")
        elif int(user_input) == 4:
            print (" ")
            print ("Heres the deal I can sell you a Gun or Hack the wanted list.")
            print ("Type 1 to buy a gun for 500$")
            user_input = input ("Type 2 to hack for 100$")
            print (" ")
            if int(user_input) == 1:
                if money > 500:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("Here take it now run off before the cops come")
                    print (" ")
                    gun = 1
                    money = float(money) - (500)
            if int(user_input) == 2:
                if money > 100:
                    print (" ")
                    print ("Here im done now run off before the cops come")
                    print (" ")
                    wanted = 0
                    money = float(money) - (100)

        print (" ")        
        print ("Type 1 to order")
        user_input = input ("Type 2 for main menu")
        print (" ")
        if int(user_input) == 1 and (money) > 1:
        elif int(user_input) == 2:
    except ValueError:

def work():
    global gain
    global money
    global energy
    gain = 1
    from random import randint
    work1 = (randint(1,20))
    hours = (randint(1,8))
    answer = float(work1) * float(hours)
    print (" ")
    print('Bob worked {0} hours and got {1} dollars per hour '.format(hours,work1))
    work2 = input('How much money did bob make')
    print (" ")
    if int(work2) == int(answer):
        print (" ")
        print ("you gained 1 Dollars")
        money = float(money) + float(gain)
        print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
        print("Type 1 to work again") 
        user_input = input ("Type 2 to go to main menu")
        print (" ")
        energy = float(energy) - float(gain)
        if int(user_input) == 1:
        if int(user_input) == 2:
        print (" ")
        print ("You lost 1 Dollar")
        if money > 0:
            money = float(money) - float(gain)
            print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
            print("Type 1 to work again") 
            user_input = input ("Type 2 to go to main menu")
            print (" ")
            energy = float(energy) - float(gain)
            if int(user_input) == 1:
            if int(user_input) == 2:
            print (" ")
            print('You now have {0} Dollars '.format(money))
            print("Type 1 to work again") 
            user_input = input ("Type 2 to go to main menu")
            print (" ")
            energy = float(energy) - float(gain)
            if int(user_input) == 1:
            if int(user_input) == 2:

def items():
    global energy
    global money
    global hunger
    global thirst
    global foods
    global drinks
    global gun
    print (" ")
    print('You have a wallet (${0})  '.format(money))
    if int(gun) > 0:
        print('You have a gun')
    if int(foods) > 0: 
        print('You have {0} hamburgers type 1 to eat hamburger'.format(foods))
    if int(drinks) > 0:
        print('You have {0} Pepsi type 2 to drink Pepsi'.format(drinks))
    user_input = input('Type 3 to go to main menu')
    if int(user_input) == 1 and int(foods) > 0:
        hunger = float(hunger) + (3)
        energy = float(energy) + (3)
        foods = float(foods) - (1)
    if int(user_input) == 2 and int(drinks) > 0:
        thirst = float(thirst) + (2)
        energy = float(energy) + (1)
        drinks = float(drinks) - (1)
    if int(user_input) == 3:
    print (" ")
def dead():
    input("gg dude you ded")

def menu():
    global wanted
    global now
    global timer
    global hunger
    global thirst
    global money
    global gun
    now =
    timer2 = ('{0}{1}'.format(now.hour, now.minute))
    if (0) > (hunger) or (0) > (thirst):
    if (wanted) > (9):
        if gun == 1:
            wanted = 9
            print (" ")
            print ("You shot the cops but you are not off their radar")
            print (" ")
            money = float(thirst) - float(money) * .5
            wanted = 0
            print (" ")
            print ("You got caught by the cops")
            print (" ")
    if (timer2) > (timer):
        thirst = float(thirst) - (1)
        hunger = float(hunger) - (1)
        timer = float(timer) + (1)
        timer = ('{0}{1}'.format(now.hour, now.minute))
    print (" ")
    print ("Type 1 to Work")
    print ("Type 2 to go to Mcdonalds")
    print ("Type 3 to see your inventory")
    print('You have {0} / 10 hunger'.format(hunger))
    print('You have {0} / 10 thirst'.format(thirst))
    print('You have {0} / 10 energy'.format(energy))
    print('You have {0} / 10 wanted'.format(wanted))
    user_input = input('You have {0} dollars '.format(money))
    print (" ")
    if int(user_input) == 1:
    elif int(user_input) == 2 and (money) > 1:
    elif int(user_input) == 3:
    elif int(user_input) == 795535:
        money = float(money) + (1000)
    elif int(user_input) == 4:
        with open('objs.pickle', 'ab') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'wb')
            pickle.dump([money], f)

        print (" ")
        print ("You need more money")
        print (" ")

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


open('objs.pickle', 'ab') as f


open('objs.pickle', "rb") as f

答案 1 :(得分:0)


with open('objs.pickle', "latin1", "r") as f


open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None,
         errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None)


open('objs.pickle', "latin1", "r")

file = 'objs.pickle'
mode = "latin1"
buffering = "r"


open('objs.pickle', 'r', encoding="latin1")

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Open的语法: open(file,mode ='r',buffering = -1,encoding = None,errors = None,newline = None,closefd = True,opener = None)

使用此:encoding ='UTF-8'
