我写了一个描述多项式对象的类。我收集并将系数数组发送到类和用户希望为BUT计算多项式的值,这是出于某种神秘的原因,只有java知道该类不断发回一个完全错误的多项式计算。我已经在这工作了3个小时,并且无法找到解决这个危险问题的方法。这个课有什么问题?我已经将测试者课程加上了实际课程。 这是程序的输出顺便说一下: 2 2 2 2(这些是我输入的系数}您正在评估值为2.0 多项式的和是: 32.0
2x ^ 0 + 2x ^ 1 + 2x ^ 2 + 2x ^ 3(你可以看到这是错误的答案,应该是30)
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class copy1D{
public static void main(String[]args)
String input;
int degree;
double number;
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" what is the degree of the polynomial?");
degree = Integer.parseInt(input);
degree= degree+1;
int [] array = new int [degree];
//creating array of coefficients
for ( int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++)
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter coefficients:");
array[i] = Integer.parseInt(input);
//Printing out the coefficients to ensure they are correct
for ( int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++)
System.out.print(array[i] + " ");
Class1D c1d = new Class1D(degree, array);
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the number for which to evaluate the expression:");
number = Integer.parseInt(input);
System.out.println(" You are evaluating for a value of: " + number);
System.out.println(" The sum of the polynomial is:");
for (int z=0; z <= array.length-1; z++)
if (z<array.length-1)
System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z + "+");
if (z==array.length-1)
System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z);
public class Class1D {
private int degree;
private int [] coefficient;
private double evaluation=0;
public Class1D(int degree){
this.degree =degree;
public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){
this.degree =degree;
this.coefficient = a.clone();
public int []getCoefficient() {
return coefficient;
public double Evaluathepolynomial(double value){
for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++)
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i];
this.evaluation+= evaluation;
return evaluation;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这就是我解决这个问题的方法:每次循环执行后我开始打印出值,并且我意识到计算正在正确执行。但是不正确的部分是评估+ =评估;。它没有按照我想象的方式工作。无论如何......所以我创建了一个名为private double sum的新实例字段而不是写评估+ =评估我使用this.sum + =评估; 见下面的代码: 这也是新的OUTPUT。请注意,这次它显示的是正确的金额:
2 2 2 2(输入的系数) 您正在评估值:2.0(正在评估多项式的值)
2.0 4 8 16.0 16.0 (在我试图解决问题时,忽略上面只是调试值) 多项式的和是: 30.0(这是正确的总和) 2x ^ 0 + 2x ^ 1 + 2x ^ 2 + 2x ^ 3(这是被评估为x = 2的多项式)
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class copy1D{
public static void main(String[]args)
String input;
int degree;
double number;
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" what is the degree of the polynomial?");
degree = Integer.parseInt(input);
degree= degree+1;
int [] array = new int [degree];
//creating array of coefficients
for ( int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++)
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter coefficients:");
array[i] = Integer.parseInt(input);
//Printing out the coefficients to ensure they are correct
for ( int i =0; i<=array.length-1; i++)
System.out.print(array[i] + " ");
Class1D c1d = new Class1D(degree, array);
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the number for which to evaluate the expression:");
number = Integer.parseInt(input);
System.out.println(" You are evaluating for a value of: " + number);
System.out.println(" The sum of the polynomial is:");
for (int z=0; z <= array.length-1; z++)
if (z<array.length-1)
System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z + "+");
if (z==array.length-1)
System.out.print(array[z] + "x^" + z);
public Class1D(int degree){
this.degree =degree;
public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){
this.degree =degree;
this.coefficient = a.clone();
public int []getCoefficient() {
return coefficient;
public void Evaluathepolynomial(double value){
this.value =value;
for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++)
evaluation= Math.pow(this.value,i) *this.coefficient[i];
this.sum+= evaluation;
public double getEvaluation()
return sum;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
首先,一个简单的例子 - 我的方法看起来像这样(使用问题中的其他所有内容):
public class Class1D {
private int degree;
private int [] coefficient;
// private double evaluation=0; (Remove this!)
public Class1D(int degree){
this.degree =degree;
public Class1D(int degree, int[] a){
this.degree =degree;
this.coefficient = a.clone();
public int []getCoefficient() {
return coefficient;
public double Evaluathepolynomial(double value){
// This will be the output:
double total=0;
// For each degree..
for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++)
// The current one is..
double evaluation = Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i];
// Add it into the total:
// (same as total+=evaluation)
total = total + evaluation;
// We're done! Return that total:
return total;
double a;
// a is now 14.
for (int i =0; i<this.degree; i++)
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i];
this.evaluation+= evaluation;
return evaluation;
首先,请记住,它所做的一切都是在循环中反复重复这些行 - 无论你指定多少次。因此,为了便于可视化,让我们说“度”是3并且解开循环 - 这只是意味着复制行并删除循环:
// i=0
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,0) *this.coefficient[0];
this.evaluation+= evaluation;
// i=1
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,1) *this.coefficient[1];
this.evaluation+= evaluation;
// i=2
this.evaluation= Math.pow(value,2) *this.coefficient[2];
this.evaluation+= evaluation;
希望它开始变得更加清晰 - 循环的每个迭代都完全覆盖了前一个的结果。让我们进一步简化它:
// i=0
evaluation=2; // It's 2
evaluation+=evaluation; // 2+2; it's now 4
// i=1
evaluation=10; // It's 10. It's now like that 4 never even happened!
evaluation+=evaluation; // 10+10; it's now 20
this.evaluation= Math.pow(2,3) *2; // 16
this.evaluation+= evaluation; // evaluation = 16+16 = 32
a=0; // a is now 0
a+=b; // a is now 14
a+=b; // a is now 34
a+=14; // a is now 14
a+=20; // a is now 34
total += Math.pow(value,i) *this.coefficient[i];